Chapter 1. Zuko

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"Zuko no dont eat that!!" A mother yells as a child by the age of 2 starts eating her brothers hair and starts to cough intensly. "Grrr Giah leave Zuko alone who cares-" a father grumpedly responds to his wifes worring. "Aadin I care...I know you wanted another son but you need to treat her like family." Giah responds to his rudeness."Whatever" he yells as he storms out of the room.

Giah sighs and goes back to watching the children. "Momma?" The daughter asks. "Yes Zuko?" Giah replies. "Do dadda not like me?" Zuko asks upset. "No no no Zu he doesn't hate you!" Giah replise not wanting her to know the truth.

Then Zuko goes back to playing.

2 years earlier...

"AahhhAhhh.." Giah screams. She is giving birth.

"Giah!!" Yells Aadin as he rushes into the hospital room. He grabs Giahs hand to give her confidence that she'll be able to do this.

At least 30 min. later she is holding the baby. When Aaden hears its a girl he gets upset. "What should we name her?" Giah says exitedly. "Atara?" Giah says. "You can name her Aaden if it makes you feel better..."

"Zuko." Aaden responds.

"A boys name?" Giahs eyes are filled with confusion.

"You said I could name her so I did." He replies harshly.

"Ok ok I was just wondering why her name would be Zuko but since you want it to be it will be."

The nurse rushes in carrying Giahs first born. "Um you need to leave" she says innocently." Aaden bursts "WHY!"

"Um the Fire Lords wife is needing this room." She quickly states.

"Fine!" Aaden seems to have cooled down but inside hes hateing everything now.

13 years later.

Zukos P.O.V

"Wait up Sozai!!"  I yell at my brother Sozai, trying to catch up to him. Why are you so slow!" Sozai mocks me as he runs up the hill. I hate it when he beats me at everything. As i catch up to him at the top of the hill, I fall on the ground gasping for air. My brothers face shows up and he starts laughing. "What are you laughing about!" I screech in his face attempting to punch him with a fire blast.
Like allways he grabs my fist (wich makes the fire go out) and flips me over, reminding me of how bad I am at fighting -_-. I rub my wrists not giving him eye contact. "Hahaha cmon admit it you want my help to train you." He tries to stair me down. "NO I CAN FIGURE IT OUT ON MY OWN!" I shout at him,  tho I was lying I knew he was right, and Sozai knew he was right.


Sorry about the first chapter being so short again this is my first fanfic EVER so plz dont hate promis the 2nd will be longer heheh :/

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