Chapter 2: Friends?

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When I finally got Sozai to leave I looked over the hill. When you look around you could see everything from the palace, houses, my home, farms, the Harbor, also the forests and medows. The wind would blow my long black hair,showing my fire naition insignia tatoo on my neck. I usually didnt like it being shown but oh well.

"Hey." Said a voice behind me.

I quickly put up my hair in a bun, but left enugh hair down to cover my tattoo. And turned around "Uh h..hi" I stammerd. 

"Hi what are you doing here and....whats your name?" A boy asks. I look him up and down, I barely miss his crown thing in his ponytail.

"I-Im Zuko" I said as I bow quickly.

"Thats my name to...why do you have a boys name?" He sounded interested as he talked.
"Um father-"
I was interupted by a girl who just climed over the hill.
"ZuZu why are you talking to a pheasant?" By the sound of how she said it I knew she was a bratt.

I almost wouldve hit her with some fire blasts if it wasnt for Prince Zuko to stop me.

"Seriously ZuZu why!" She snobbishly demanded. I chuckled when I heard his nickname. He glanced at me then looked back to his sister.

"Why dont you bow to your Fire Princess Azula" She smirked. Obviously wanting a fight. I growld at her from behind Prince Zuko. "Well did she bow to you? Azula asked.

Zuko nodded. "Well you can make her your servant at home maby if she only listens to you." She said with a greedy look on her face.  I tried to stare her down. "Leave Azula now!" He said in a raspy voice. "Whos gonna make me mom!" She mocked him.

The Princes head went down. I put my arm on his shoulder to reasure  him. He looked at me then glared at his sister. "Don't talk about mom!" He was getting upset by the second. I step torwards the Princess of Snobbs and had a flame light up in my hand. She took a firebending stance and started smarten off. "You can't beat a princess." She retorted, "I bet your worse then Zuko."

"Thats my name!" I growled.

She had a taken aback look on her face then started being a loud mouth again. "What a stupid name for a girl! You should have been named something better!"

"Like what!" I threw at her. I gave up standing and kicked at her, but she knocked me down."Youre name!"

"Well" She thought to herself as she held me down. "Yea that would be nice to have someone named after me!" She started choking me.

As I gasped for air as Prince Zuko pushed her off and I could tell as could Azula that he was very upset.

Zuko's Journey (About One Of My OCs)Where stories live. Discover now