Chapter 8: Land

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As I laid there on the sand I wonderd were I was. I looked around. The water was a nice ocean blue and a neonish aqua green. It had a sandy beach. (Which I was on) behind the beach was a forest. For a few days I stayed on the beach. Tao and I had gaind some weight before we left. I still looked as skinny as a stick. Like by skinny I ment you could see my ribs, I looked like a skeleton. And my close almost were too big.

"We should get going..." I say to Tao as I get up. Tao's eyes looked older and sadder. I fely bad but this is how we would have to be for the next few days. As I rode I heard lightning. I looked into the sky. Nothing. There wasn't a storm cloud on sight. So I assumed I was hearing things so I kept going.

I heard blasts. Tao looked up towards the sound. I guess I wasn't hearing things. So I let Tao go his way. He went torwards the sounds. I heard a faint but somewhat familiar grunt. I saw a teenager and an old man. The teen looked like the other teen I saw looking down on me when his metal boat past mu little wooden raft boat. I new instantly it was him cuz the old man looked exaclty like the old man who smiled at me. I wached as he tried to lightning bend.

"Why does it keep Expliding in my face!!" He shouted as he sat down in defeated. I felt bad for him. The older man told him about this technique he had learnd from studying water benders. I watched and listend. Not trying to ve a stalker, and copied his movements. The old guy talked about Azula and how his nephew was related to him. Then I realized who the teenager and the old geezer was. Fire Prince Zuko and General Iroh. I couldn't believe I had found my old friend. After they talked Prince Zuko ran off. I told Tao to stay and followed the my banished friend. I had gaind some weight so I didn't look like a skeleton anymore. But you could see my jaw line, and I was still quite a bit skinnier than I wanted to be.

I found the Prince looking at the sky screaming. I stared not amused. "HEY!!! PRINCE ZUKO!!!" I yelled at him. He turned surprised to see me. I climbed up to see him. "What are you doing here? And who are you?" He asked. "You mean you don't remember me?" I asked suprised. "Well no..." he answerd. I pulled back my hair. "Now do you remember?" I asked him. He stammerd for a while. "How'd you get here, why aren't you in the Fire Naition?" He kept asking questions.

"Well for one I escaped the Fire Naition. Two I am a fugitive to the Fite Naition." I looked at him sadly remembering my family. He put his hand in my shoulder. "Why were you in jail?" He asked me pulling my face up, to look into my eyes. Its started to rain harder before I answered. "First we should go back to my Uncle." He said leading the way down the hill.

Lightnong struck right behind me. I freaked and I bumped right into Prince Zuko. We tumbled the rest of the way down. I was muddy and soaked. I didn't care much. We climbed onto his ostrich horse. I climbed on last folding my arms around his waist as we rode off.

When we reached Prince Zuko's uncle, we climbed down and went inside. There was a warm fire and a warm smile that greeted us. I smiled back and whent into a back room to change. I hung up my wet close and rapped a blanket around me and tied it so it wouldn't fall down. I walked into were thr prince and his uncle where.  Iroh insisted I were some of Zuko's other clothing. I said I didn't need to but he insisted. The prince looked uncomfortable with me wearing his other clothes but I did anyway. I came out in an earth kingdom...robe and pants.

The prince went into the room and got his fire naition clothing on. Iroh decided that me and him go to find a town and a market, so we could go find some clothes for me. Zuko looked relieved that I didn't have to wear his clothes after we get some for me. We talked some and I talked the longest. I told them about how me and Prince Zuko met, to how I got in jail, and other good stuff like that. I had fallen asleep while the Prince and Iroh talked. I felt like there were eyes watching me sleep.

The next morning,

I was abruptly awaken by Zuko while Iroh was getting ready to go. I tiredly got on Tao as Iroh got on the ostrich horse. We had found a market when we heard soldiers talking about a firebender that attacked a village. I felt like it was Zuko cuz of his hot headedness. Then they started talking bad about fire benders. I acted like I didn't hear them. Though they eyed my lion deer suspiciously.

We got back later with some food, bags to carry our stuff, and some clothes. "How'd it go?" He asked. "Ehh you now ppl talken bad about us fire benders." I remarked. "Oh." He replied. "What did ypu do in a fire naition village!" I asked. "How do you know!?" He started raising his voice.

"Its sorta obvious, they were talkong about a fire bender that walked into a earth kingdom town and fire bended and some soldiers to 'save' a boy. Oh and you told me." I told him.

"Oh.." He replied. I sat down and got out some bread and honey to make some lunch as Prince Zuko told the story.

I understood completely. It also made sence as to wich why he told them his name. But I couldn't believe that the little boys heart had changed from, the Prince being like his brother to "I Hate You!" I felt bad for my old friend. For the restof the day we were trying to make up names for me.

"So whats your fake names?' I asked them. "Mines Lee.. and Uncles is Mushee." I giggled at Iroh's name. "Well..what should mine be?"

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