Chapter 6: Goodbyes

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Sozai's P.O.V

I started to wonder what my sister was doing in my room and not in her cold hard cell. Not that I hate her but I didn't expect her to be in my bedroom. "Hey.." she hastily said looking like she was in a hurry.
"Couldn't sleep?" Zu asked. "Uh yea...." I replied "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Running" she replied as she sat on my bed. "Why??" I pressed her to tell. "Uh because....." She wouldn't speak. "Zu why?" I asked again. "I got out of prison and I need to get out of the Fire Naition." She looked worried.
"What am I supposed to do?" I wonderd. "Keep me secret until I get out!" She responded, right as she finished speaking the sirens went off.
Mom had awaken when the sirens went off. She rushed into my room.
"Sozai whats going-" she paused when she saw Zuko.

"Uuuhh he-hey mom." She sheepishly smiled, Mom was so happy to see her out of chains and that horrible prison cell, she ran and hugged Zu tightly. "How did you get out!" Mom said still holding Zu. "Secretly." Zu replied. "What!" Mom replied, as she started checking all over her. "Mom im fine! Mom!" Zu yelled and looked mom in the eyes. "Im fine." Zu says as she smiles. "Its good to see you, lucky I came after dad left" Zu said. "Acualy...your dad is joining the Fire Lords guard system." Mom looked upset. Zu almost choked, and I got up. "Why-" I started. "Why didnt he tell us WHY!" I was upset now I sat back down in defeat. "I tried to stop him. But he's not wanting your sister home at all. He doesn't even want her." Before mom could take that back Zu spoke up.

"So he does hate me...." Zu fell on the wall with her hands on her head. "No Aaden doesn't hate you." She tried to reashure Zuko. "YES HE DOES YOU SAID IT YOUR SELF!" Zuko had never talked back to her mom ever. Mom looked taken aback. "Zu-" Mom started. "NO MOM I-I I NEED YOU TO TELL ME THE TRUTH! Does he hate me or not." She looked in moms eyes and mom turned around crying.

I could tell Zuko felt bad when she yelled at mom.

Zuko's P.O.V

I was scared that, mom hated me now I was scared that I had hurt mom. I slunked back in thr corner waiting for an answer. "Ever since you were born Aaden wanted to hurt you and didn't want you all because you weren't a boy." Moms head went down as she revealed the truth. "No wonder.." I replied when I walked torward the door. "Were you going?" They said in unison. "To my room." I replied. "I think I'll be staying here for a while." I slightly look back and slightly smiled. As I head to room I started thinking and realizing how much my father did hate me. I got to my room and open the door.

I gasped as I looked around.
It wasnt my room anymore. It was my fathers new drug and alcohol thing. As I stood at the door of my room my mom and brother came rushing behind me. "How w..why." I stamerd but coulden't finish my sentence. My mother and Sozai gasped in disbelief at what they saw. Mothers eyes started to tear up. Sozai put a reassuring hand on moms shoulder.

"I acually can beleive this."I said matter of factly. "What.." Sozai responded in disbelief. I stormed out of the room.

Later I asked Sozai if he would teach me firebending for when I leave. "Finally!"he responded. I wacked him on the shoulder. "Just do it." I stated annoyed. "Okay okay I will, take your stance." We practiced and practiced. It became nightfall and I heard dad walk in the house. I quickly hid outside behind the tree in the back yard. I heard mom and dad fighting. I guess it was about. What I found in my old room.

Later mom came out to get me. "Zu you can come in now." She called for me. "Ok mama!" I answered. That night and for the rest of the week I slept in the living room.
It was about 3 in the morning when I heard a knock on the door. As I rush to my moms room to wake her up I hear a male voice shouting for someone to open the door. When I reached moms room I quickly told her. "Mom the guards are here. Hurry!"

She rushed to the door and opend it. "Good morning ma'am." He starts with an evil look on his face. "What do you want officer!?" She responds to the mean firebending officer. " Were here to check the house...if your daughters here.." He stated. " How may times do I have to say she isnt here!"  She motioned for me to run out the back. I did as she motioned.

I ran thru the back door and quickly but quietly ran to the farm house. I got on my catdeer and ran off without saying goodbye.

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