Chapter 5: Escape

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It was early dawn about 4 in the morning. The gaurds brought rice, I stood and grabed it from them. The gaurd was talking to me as I ate. "I heard your family are gonna bail you out..." he said watching me. "Like they could" another gaurd interupted "the Longs dont even have the money" he scoffed.

Later I was brought to the Fire Lords throne room. I saw my family, as always my dad didn't look to happy to see me at all. My mom looked worried, I felt pitty for her, and my brother well he looked upset like he and is girlfriend (who I don't like much) broke up. Well his girlfriend Moi smirked as she saw me in chains.

I glared at her. I bowed to Fire Lord Ozai. I looked around befor saying anything. I saw Azula sitting by her father. Smirking as she looked at me. I looked at my family.

I bet my dad likes seeing me in chain's.
I thought. I couldn't believe, I was in the Fire Lords palace as a prisoner.

As he started talking my heart started beating faster and faster. I was scared I was gonna die. After the whole lecture. (I wasnt even listening) I talked to my brother.

"Sozai please." I beged him to answer me. "Why didn't you tell us you were friends with the Prince, and that you were being bullied by Princes Azula." He stated then he looked away. I felt horrible, like criminal horrible. I looked around and saw Azula and Moi talking. I glared.  "Im so sorry Sozai, I should have told you." I said solemnly. "Yea." He snapped. "Look Soz-" I started but Sozai interrupted me. "If you had told me I  would have provented this!" As he yelled I saw pain in his eyes

Sozai's P.O.V

I was so upset. My life right now was messed up. I wanted to break up with Moi and my youngest sister is in jail. I didn't know how to talk to Zuko without getting over whelmed. She looked down at her hands and. I watched Moi and Azula talk.

"Zuko Im sorry.." I let the sentence trail off. She looked at me hopefully and I pulled her in for a hug. She hugged me back. I saw Moi come briskly over to bother Zuko. I got up and confronted her. "Babe get out of the way." She demanded, I didn't move. Zuko was watching the hole thing. I saw Azula watching also.
"Moi we need to talk." I said looking in her golden eyes. "Later hun." She replied. "No now!" I said sternley and grabed her arm and pulled her to the corner. "What do you want!" She said getting in my face. "Moi we need to talk about you and me." She looked surprised.

"Wh-why?" She tried to act innocent.
"I know you don't like Zuko but you need to be nicer to her also we're  done." I pulled the leech. As I said that she put her hands on her hips and looked me straight in the eyes. "Fine I never loved you anyways!" She angrily replied. After she stormed off I went and sat next to Zu again.

"What was that about." She asked.
"Uh I sorta-"I started "pulled the leech." She finished. "Yea.." I replied.  Later she asked if we were gonna bail her out. I stopped. "Uuuhhh" I started.  "We tried we couldn't get enugh money. We even started a fundraiser didn't work, Its like someone was taking the money secretly behind our backs." I sounded defeated. Zu looked defeated aslo. "Oh." She replied.

Fire Lord Ozai said that the meeting was up so I said my goodbyes and me mom and dad left.

Zuko's P.O.V

After they left, I was taken to my cell.
I almost fell alseep as Azula bullied me thru the bars of my cold cell.

"Stop......." I yawned. "Why.." Azula questioned. "Im falling asleep....." I drowsily say. "Whatever!" She says and leaves. I act like I was sleeping  for a few hours. I might have acually dozed of a few times.  When it was about midnight I started squeezing my way thru the bars. My chest got stuck. I grunted, I quickly coverd my mouth with my hands. When I finally got out I found out its was about 3 in the morning. Great, the gaurds will be up any minute. I rushed out as fast I could. It was at least 4:00 am when I reached my familys house. I looked thru the window and saw that my dad was already at work. Perfect! So I rushed inside, I ran into my brothers room and to my surprise he was awake.

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