Chapter 9: My name

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"OH OH OH!!" I yelled as I ran into the little hut. Iroh looked up ay me confused. "What are you ohing about?" He asked. "I know what my fake name will be!!" As I said that Prince Zuko came in to listen. "Liu Kang." I said. After we talked. We agreed that Liu Kang would be my name.

We started packing our things and got on our animals. I offerd the Prince to ride with me on Tao. Iroh aggreed. On the way to I have no idea. We found ourselves getting passports to go to Ba Sing Se.

The woman at the counter was rude. Yelling and spitting all over us as we got our tickets. I wanted to give her something to cry about after we finished. I saw like 10 diffrent kids dressed up as the avatar.

As we boarded the ferrie, I saw two boys and what looked to be a really short haird girl. I eyed them suspiciously. The taller boy looked at me then turned to his friends and said something. They both nodded and went around were I couldn't see them. I turned back to were 'Lee' and 'Mushee' were. They didn't know I wasn't paying attention so I acted like I was listening.

"You even listening?" 'Lee' said.  "Uuuuh y-yea I am." I said obviously lying. "Uh huh..." he responded. I sat as some people came and passed out bowls with food in them. I took a sip I coughed it up. "Bleck!" I spit it out. The boy and his friends I had seen earlier came up to us. I turned not wanting to look at him. He introduced himself as Jet and his friends were the Freedom Fighters. There names were Smeller Bee and Long Shot. Odd names but who am I to judge.

"Hello." The Prince replied to his introduction. "Here's the deal, I hear the Captins eating like a king while us refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair does it" I rolled my eyes as he went on will his "speech" Iroh interrupted. "What sort of king is he eating like?" He asked. "The fat happy kind." Jet responded. Iroh started drooling at Jets response. "You want to help us liberate some food?" Jet asked us. Mainly Prince Zuko. The Prince looked at his food for a while. Then he threw his bowl into the sea. "Im about you uh Liu Kang." He had almost forgotten my cover name. "Um." I replied looking at Prince Zuko then to Iroh then to Jet and his Freedom Fighters. "Shur." I replied lamely. Jet smirked in response. I looked at Iroh then to Zuko.

That night.

I and Smeller Bee followed the boys up the stairs. Into the kitchen on the top deck of the ferry. As Smeller Bee looked to see for gaurds. Jet used his sword things to open the door. We rushed inside and grabbed all the food. Jet wached us after he grabed the meats. He smirked as we left the door. Smeller Bee wisperd loudly "The gaurds comeing!"
We quickly ran out the door as Long Shot shot an arrow with a rope tied to the end of it. Zuko used his swords to slide down and Jet used his sword things. I well I just jumped down quietly. Pretty much because after Jet and Zuko got off the rope, the arrow fell off. As I was gonna land my mind was raceing with how loud I was gonna be. But I saw Prince Zuko ran under me and caught me. I blushed and quietly thanked him as he put me down. We snuck off and passed out the food.

Iroh trying to start a conversation complemented on Smeller Bee' name. "So Smeller Bee, thats an unusual name for a young man." I fecepalmed as he said that and she responded clearly upset Iroh had mistaken her for a boy. "Maby its because I'm not a man Ima Girl!" She snapped. Then she got up and walked off. "Oh now I see its a beautiful name for a lovely girl!" He shouted after her. Long Shot got up and walked after her. I watched them as they stood there, he didn't even open his mouth. When she started talking. Then Jet came up to us as we ate. "From what I heard people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I cant wait to set my eyes on that giant wall." He said. "It is a magnificent sight." Iroh responded. "So you been there before?" Jet asked. "Once when I was a diffrent man." Iroh responded.
"Ive done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. But thats why Im going to Ba Sing Se. For a new beginning a second chance." Jet stated. "Thats very noble of you. I believe people can change their lives if they want to, I beleive in second chances." As Iroh said that he looked at Zuko and Zuko looked back at him.

I layed down to sleep. I could feel cold eyes watching me. I felt very uncomfortable. Iroh must've sensed my uncomfortableness when he recommended Jet and Prince Zuko to go to sleep. Jet reluctantly did as Iroh had asked of him and layed down in his bed spot by his Freedom Fighters.  I could still feel his cold eyes on me as he started talking to his Freedom Fighters.  All I heard was, they, join, and Fredom Fighters.  Then an uneasy sleep came over me.

I heard Iroh gasp at something. I sat up and Zuko stirred. "What is it uncle?' Zuko asked. 'Oh its nothing go back to sleep." I shared a glance with Iroh before I went to sleep. I knew exactly what Iroh gasped at. The Avatars Bison flew over us.

The next morning.

After we ate Jet came up to me and Zuko as we talked. "You know, as soon as I saw your scar I knew exactly who you where." As Jet said that Prince Zuko looked panicked. I looked worried also. "Your an outcast like me, - and us outcast have to stick together we have to watch each others backs, 'cause no one else will." As he finished I sighed in relief. "I've realized lately that being on your own isn't always the best path." Zuko replied. I looked down into the sea. Jet looked up to see the walls of Ba Sing Se approach slowly.

As we entered I saw a lot of other refugees. We approached the front desk to get into Ba Sing Se, the woman at the counter had a giant mole on the side of her face. ''So Mr. Lee and Mrs. Liu Kang, and Mr. Mushe is it?'' she asked. ''Its pronounced Mu-she.'' She glared at him ''You telling me how to do my Job?!'' She asked. "Uh no, but may I saw your like flower in bloom, beauty is intoxicating." Iroh flirted. I face palmed. "Oh your pretty easy on the eyes yourself handsome. Rawer!'' she flirted back. I felt like I was gonna throw up. "Welcome to Ba Sing Se." she said stamping the tickets. As Zuko took the tickets he complemented on Iroh's flirting skills. "I'm gonna forget I saw that.'' He said. "I agree." I agreed. Iroh still smiling as we walked off.

We sat down quietly not saying anything. I saw Jet again. I groaned and turned away. Just then a man called for hot tea. I and Iroh waved him over here an got some tea. Jet started talking to Zuko and took him to the side. Iroh complained about his tea as Zuko glanced at me and followed Jet. I watched as the walked off. Iroh looked around. "Don't let anyone see me...." he said hiding his cup as he put his hand under it and fire bent it until it was warm. "Iroh your gonna get us killed...." I started and saw Zuko walk back. I eyed Jet and he looked at Iroh surprised. He new Iroh was a Fire Bender. I looked panicked. Jet looked and saw my panicked face. I turned my face quickly as he walked off, and saw Zuko hit Iroh's hand.

Sooo Sorry this took forever to update. I had to pause and watch the episodes over and over. Well the parts with Zuko and Iroh. Hope You liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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