Chapter 7: Out of the Fire Naition and Into the Sea

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As I ran to the shed I found my lion deer I got on his back and grabbed his mane. "Faster Tao faster." I give him a loud wisper. He jumps and clears the tall fence. I never new my lion deer could jump that far and high. As we get to the harbor I try to find a boat. There were gaurds everywere so I let my hair down and looked at the ground as I walked my lion deer to a little boat.

Morning just breaks dawn as I see eight Fire Naition soldiers patroling the harbor. I push Tao's head down and put my own head down as they pass. Tao makes a sound and I shush him. He looks guilty and stays quiet after. The gaurds hear the sound and look out over the water. Then they go back to talking and walking.

I give a sigh of relief as I push the boat from the docks.
Apparently Tao doesn't like boats. He lays down uncomfortable with the rocking of the boat. We finally reach the outer wall of the watch tower wall things. I don't really know much about outside the Fire Naition walls. 

Hours later I open my bag. I have 4 weeks worth of food. Crap. I don't know how long I will be at sea. From the hill I loved looking at the sea and wished to be out there. Now.. I don't know so much if I like the vast ocean or not.

A few hours later I pass the last island its croissant shaped. Theres a tower on it. I remember from school that it was Roku's island. I stared in aw at it. I see a flying bison ahead and a...BLOCKADE! It flys over me and I couldent believe my eyes. Two boys and a girl. The first boy was a monk, probably the Avatar if I remember its supposed to be an airbender. The other boy had a wierd ponytail thing, and for the girl, she looked like a strong bender. But I could hardly tell. The older boy and girl looked to be from a water tribe.

I wonderd what the trio were doing in the Fire Naition. Then I looked were I was heading and saw a mostly bald teenager with a scar on his face, and an older man. The teenager looked familiar as he looked down at me and I looked at him. As for the older man he just smiled and waved. I did the same in return.

Then we had gotten farther into the blockade. I looked up as the blockade had stopped and I saw another ship. (A little bigger than the teenagers ship.) Following the teenagers ship the captain guy looked down and I glared back up realizing who it was. Commander Zhao. He looked at me then turned back and I saw a gaint flaming rock flying at me. I screamed and it hit my little boat. My boat broke as I fell into the sea. I never was taught how to swim.

I held my breath as I tried to keep from drowning. I plugged my nose to keep the air from getting out. My head started getting dizzy and light. As I saw a figure swimming torwards me. Everything went black.

It felt like I was out for a few seconds. I had awakend on Tao's back. I looked to the sky hoping it was still day time. It wasn't.  It was in the middle of the night. My head was blurry and a wincing pain came every few seconds. Headaches are horrible.  I looked around and sat up. We were in the middle of nowhere.  I looked to see if there was any land. Nothing.This was horrible. The water lapped around my legs and Tao was soaked. His lion like mane was matted and muddy. The water was a dark ugly greenish blue and the moons reflection shimerd grey of the ocean waters. I was cold and wet. I tried to get comfortable laying on Taos back. An uneasy uncomfortable sleep came over me. I had awaken very sore. My mussles strained for exersise. We were still in the middle of the ocean wich is also nowhere. Tao was getting tired. I opend my bag to get us some food. I gasped on horror. (It wasnt that horrifying.) The food was all wet and soggy. I gave some of the bread to Tao. He didn't mind it because well it was wet and it wouldn't hurt him if he ate some bread. (Even though he eats meat.) I ate some soggy bread and melted butter. Yuck! But its edible. When I finished I got off Tao, still holding on. I started moving my legs. I let go and I stayed above water.I was so happy I could at least stay above I forgot to keep moving I started going under water. I panicked I kept drowning. Finally Tao caught me by the shirt. I  coughed up water. 8 days later I finally found out how to swim. For the next week I would swim next to Tao when I could. By the 5th week at sea we had no food. I swam next to Tao talking to him. I was gettimg hungrier and hungrier. Another few weeks passed by and all we were was skin and bones. I mean we ate some fish when we could but still. I looked unhealthy and demonish. I could be mistaken for a ghost. Tao looked horrible. I felt so bad for him. It was at least a month when I found land I swam needily torwards the land. I was a little unshur about if I was hallucinating or not. I touched it I walked on it I was so happy. "REAL LAND YES REAL LAND!!!!" I yelled. Im pretty shure I looked stupid jumping like that. As I tried to stand I kept falling. Tao got the hang of it before I did.  That lucky Lion Deer. That night I slept comfortable. I haven't been so comfortable since I left home.


I hope you liked it so far. It is longer this time. Hope you guys and girls liked this chapter. If you can Im open to suggestions for what happens next. Anyway thanks for reading cya.

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