Chapter 3: Trouble

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She fell and shot a wild look at me and Prince Zuko. As she ran off to whine at her father Fire Lord Ozai, Prince Zuko said he was sorry about Azula and that he had to go or else, I was sad that he had to go but he did and I went home. I vowed to never tell my family, and Prince Zuko vowed to not let Azula tell his parents. I saw him 5 days a week after that... I never saw him again.

Azula on the other hand. I saw her way too much. Everyday she taunted me when I was alone. One day She came and said that Prince Zuko was... gone. She said that Zuko was banished and was made to capture the Avatar to restor his honor. I rolled my eyes at her not believing her for a second.

I pretty much new her and that almost anything is a lie if it comes from her mouth. "Yea right I bet you told Fire Lord Ozai about Prince Zuko knowng me." I stated as i turned my back on her. The wind blew and my dark hair uncoverd my tattoo, I gasp and cover my neck and ran.

"Hey!" She growled. "Get back here!"
I responded in between gasps of air from runnimg. "No I-I can't, s-see you later..." I tripped over a rock and got up as quick as I could and let go of my neck so I could run better. "You can bully me later Azula!" I shout as I stumble down the hill, half realising what I had said. I ran straight into two girls as I blindedly stumble quickly into the ground. "Oof!" I grunt as Azula jumps on me. "Get off!" I wail as I struggle under neath her wait.

"Ty Lee chi block her now!" Azula comands holding me down. Unfotrunatley Ty Lee did as she was told and I was somehow unable to move. Paralized. I was brought to the palace and thrown into the throne room.

"Bow to your Fire Lord PHEASANT!" Azula screeched at me. Ructantly I bowed to the Fire Lord.

"Azula why have you brought me this
girl..." Ozai looked confused.
"Dad this is the girl Zuko was flirting with!" She randomly made up. I was so furious I couldnt take it. "Thats Not true!" I said blushing. Azula shot me a glare. "She's lying... Ty Lee, Mai take her to the dungeons."


Ty Lee chi blocks me she hits me on the neck and I pass out.

Everything went black...

.. . . . . . . . . .........

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