Chapter 4: Jail

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I struggled as they prettymuch dragged me to jail. "Let me GO!" I tried to yell but they kept dragging me, I was starting to get myself back as they starred talking. Great a distraction. "Mai... what are you gonna do when Prince Zuko gets back." Ty Lee asked, we were halfway down the hall she answerd "Um I don't know what are you going to do when he gets back!" I saw ger slightly turn her head. My only guess is that she also likes Prince Zuko. "I heard his uncle was banished too." Ty Lee said in a perky voice. I started getting feeling back when I jumped out of their grasp.
They turned quickly as I landed. I didn't expect sharp objects to come out of Mai's sleeve. "Woah close one!"
I yelped and Mai growled. "Now I know why he left!" She yelled at me. "Why?" I questioned.

"It's none of your business Zuko!" She blushed as she thought of the name she just said. "Why is your name Zuko?" Mai asked, standing upstraight out of her battle stance.

"I don't know my dad named me." My head drooped a little. "Hmf well bad name for a girl." She retorted while signaling for Ty Lee to strike.

I ran and shot fire blasts at them as I ran. "Azulas gonna kill us if she finds out we lost her!" Ty Lee shrieked. "Thats why we don't tell her" Mai  murmured. "Catch me if you can!" I looked back as I said that. "OOF'!!" I grunted when ran into a wall. I heard metal clang behind me, when I turned I saw I had arrived in the destination Azula wanted me in.

"Not as smart as you think you are loudmouth!" I turned to see a commander looking down at me in my cell. "Who are you..?" I wonderd aloud. "Azula was right you are a pheasant." He smirked. I growled and ran to the bars looking directly into his face. His cold bronze eyes looked hard into my dark red eyes. I took a step back afraid. "Im commander Zhao." He said, "and im gonna make sure that Zuko is in the next cell to you." He smirked then walked off.

"No" I murmer as I sit in the corner.
"I got to get out of here." I wimperd.

I stayed in that cell for a few weeks, then I couldn't take it.


Thanks so much for reading this. This is not the end its just im running out of ideas so yea thanks for reading.. I may not be updating as much but oh well anyways thanx and have a good Sunday.

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