Meeting Daphne Part2

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I get out of my car and walk in the house, I then go to my room to change, I grab what I'm wearing and get changed.

After I get changed my phone goes off, it's a text from my mom saying she will be out late, which I don't mind because I'll be at the mall all day, I grab my phone and text Daphne asking if I'm allowed to go to her her house, one second later she ...

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After I get changed my phone goes off, it's a text from my mom saying she will be out late, which I don't mind because I'll be at the mall all day, I grab my phone and text Daphne asking if I'm allowed to go to her her house, one second later she texted back saying yes.  I put my phone in my back pocket, then grab my keys and head out. 
              Skip Drive
When I get to Daphne's I'm wowed by the of the view of two house's that are three times the size of my new house, I get out of the car, and walk past the garage, when I see a boy with the same color hair as Daphne, but I can't see his face because he's turned around, I walk up to him and tap him the shoulder and I think I scared him a little because he jumped like 10ft in the air, I couldn't hold in my laughter it was that funny, he turned around and started talking real fast. "Wow slow down I don't understand a word you are saying" I say and sign at the same time I don't usually speak but I can tell he is not deaf, he started to slow down so now I could tell what he was saying, he then asked who I was, "my name is Lilly, I was wandering if Daphne is here?" I sign and say at the same time so he could understand me, he nods and smiles at me, then asks if I would like him to take me to her, all I do is nod.
           Toby's POV
I was thinking of new lyrics I could make for a new song when all of a sudden there was a tap on my shoulder it scared the crap out of me to where I jumped 10 feet high in the air, I turned around to see a laughing girl.  "Oh so you think that's funny, who are you and why are you here at my house" I started to say real fast, she then looks confused, then says "wow slow down I don't understand a word your saying" she sign and talks, oh she's like Daphne, I stop taking and ask who she is, she says Lilly and she is wandering if Daphne is here, oh okay so she friends with Daphne that explains a lot. "Do you want me to take you to her" I ask, all she does is nod, we start walking  to the house, I look at her to see she has a wowed face by the view of the houses, I notice I was starring to long so I turned my face to where I was looking strait a head, I then tap on her shoulder she turns to look at me, "I was wandering how you and Daphne met" I say to her real slow so she can understand me. "We met at Carlton, I'm a new student there" she tells me without signing, "oh so you are new around" I say and all she does is nod and smile. We go up to Bay's room and knock on the door because Daphne was talking to Bay about things. Bay opens the door with a confused look on her face, she probably wandering who Lilly is, "this is Lilly, Lilly this is Bay, Bay can you tell Daphne that Lilly is here?" I say Bay turns around and tells Daphne, then Daphne comes out the door and ask if Lilly if she is ready to go and Lilly says yes, they both turn around and walks to the front door. When they leave all I could think about was how Lilly was so cute, what am I saying I just met the girl.
         Bay's POV
I hope Toby knows he just said that he thinks Lilly is cute out load. I turn around and go back into my room and close the door, I'm going to to text my boyfriend Emmett, and tell him what just happened and he is going to laugh his butt if. So I grab my phone and pull up his contact up.
(Emmett=💙💙) (Bay=❤️❤️)
❤️❤️- hey guess what.
💙💙- what.
❤️❤️- Toby just said that this girl named Lilly was cute out load and he didn't even know it lol.
💙💙- omg lol.
I'm sorry it's short I can't think of anything to put but I'm going to put a meeeing Daphne part3 going to the mall. I hoped you liked how I put Toby and Bay in there.

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