6. IMY

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When I wake up the next morning the bed is empty making my brows furrow in confusion. Where the hell was Josh? I sit up and glance around the room, finding a note on the pillow where his head usually rests.

Emergency down at the store, had to leave early. Give Ems a kiss for me. Love you.

My heart swells as I read the note, he was beyond perfect and I was beyond lucky to have him. I take the note and climb out of bed, walking it over to the small corkboard I had hanging on the wall which contained various mementos from my time with Josh. Movie tickets, pictures, all kinds of things. I pin the note to the board and smile before walking over to the closet to find something to wear. I decide on a black pencil skirt and an orange blouse paired with black pumps and my hair falling in waves around my shoulders.

Once I'm ready to go I head out of my room and enter my daughter's room. I sit on her bed, stroking back her perfect blonde locks as I lean down to kiss her forehead. "Mommy" she smiles as her eyes flutter open.

"Morning baby girl" I smile as I stare down at my daughter. Emma may not have been planned and I scared out of my mind to be a mom but five years later becoming a mom was easily the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Where's daddy?" she asks drowsily as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.

"Something happened at the store and he had to leave early."

"I wanna see him" she replies making me smile as I nod in understanding.

"Me too baby girl but we both have class. Let's get dressed" I add as she hops out of bed.


"You look sad" Matt points out as he stands in the doorway of my classroom making my stomach churn. The fact that he's dating Callie nauseates me.

"I'm fine" I assure him as I pretend to be busy on my computer.

"Everything okay with Josh?" he asks invasively making me moan in annoyance as my eyes flick up to meet his.

"Everything okay with Callie?" I shoot back in annoyance as a smile plays on his lips.

"I'm sorry does it bother you that I'm dating your man's ex?" he asks making me fume in anger. Of course it bothered me. It bothered me because I finally thought I was free of the bitch.

"In fact it does. Word of advice, get out now" I snip as my phone rings. "I need to take this. You can go" I add as he rolls his eyes and leaves my office.

"Hello" I snap into the phone.

"Woah sorry babe" Josh replies making me let out a long breath as my eyes close in an effort to compose myself.

"Sorry" I apologize as my fingers run through my hair. "Matt is so infuriating."

"What'd he do now?"

"Just being invasive" I reply dismissively. "How's work baby?"

"Hell. The alarm went off this morning, someone broke in, got a shit ton of merchandise. My dad is pissed."

"I'm sure" I reply sadly. "I'm sorry baby."

"Not your fault. Other than Matt how are things today baby?"

"Just missing you" I reply wistfully. "I hate it when you aren't around. So does Em."

"I know, hopefully the store doesn't keep me too long tonight. I'd like to see my family for a little while."

"We'd like that too" I smile as the bell rings. "That's the bell. I gotta go baby. Try to have a good day."

"I will. Love you Maya."

"Love you too Josh."


I'm sitting on the couch drinking a glass of white wine, trying to unwind from my day when the door to the loft opens to reveal Josh.

"Sorry I'm late. Is Em asleep?" he asks making me glance at him and then to the clock in front of me, letting out a laugh as I do.

"Honey it's ten. Of course she's asleep" I laugh lightly as I put my glass onto the table. "So much for getting out early."

"I know. Shit was crazy today and all I wanted was to climb back in bed with you" he smirks as he takes off his jacket and stalks over to me.

"Oh yea?" I ask playfully. I loved it when Josh came home in these sorts of moods. He and I rarely brought out shitty days home with us, when we were together there was no such thing as a bad day. Plus sex was a good stress reliever.

"Mhm" he nods as he knocks me on my back, climbing on top of me as he crashes his lips onto mine. I respond immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pull his body down to mine. "Damn I love you" he mutters against my lips making me smile as I continue to lose myself in the kiss.

"Let's go to bed" I whisper breathlessly against his lips and suddenly I'm picked up and carried off into the bedroom where the bad memories of today are washed away in a moment of pure bliss. 

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