8. Rendezvous

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We decide to do a boys and girls weekend, meaning we were separated which might have been fun when we were teenagers but now that we were adults who could do whatever we wanted behind closed doors without repercussions, it kinda sucked.

I'm ready to head down to the bar but Riley's still getting ready so I sit on my bed in the room that she and I were sharing this weekend. Vanessa and Smackle were in the bedroom next door. I'm channel surfing when my phone buzzes.

JOSH: What hotel are you in?

MAYA: Why?

JOSH: Because inquiring and needy minds wanna know....

My heart rate speeds and I bite my lip as I type back quickly.

MAYA: Hilton. Why?

JOSH: Room #

MAYA: Josh! This is my girl's weekend!

JOSH: Same hotel...seems our friends aren't too keen on staying separate

I can't help but laugh. This is totally Smackle, she could never stay away from Farkle that long.

MAYA: Pick me up at the bar tonight and maybe you'll get that number...

"Who are you texting?" Riley asks as she walks into the bedroom after her shower.

"Topanga" I lie quickly. "Just checking in on the kids."

"Oh" she shrugs as we hear a knock on the door. I quickly jump off the bed and make my way to the door and pulling it open to reveal my friends.

"Let's get wasted" Vanessa exclaims making us laugh as we all head down to the bar.


I'm on my third drink and to be honest I've got a nice buzz going. I was gonna need about double that to get me really wasted. Meanwhile, Vanessa and Smackle were gone. Way far past go.

"Do you think we should stop them?" Riley laughs as she leans over to talk to me.

"This is supposed to be fun isn't it?" I shrug as I watch my friends dancing on top of the bar with their glasses in hand.

"True" she laughs as she sips her water.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom" I shout over the music, earning a nod from Riley. I head off towards the bathroom when suddenly I feel someone's arm snake around me. I'm about to punch the person who feels they have the right to touch me but a voice from the guy stops me.

"Baby it's me" Josh whispers in my ear causing me to melt against him and suddenly I'm being pressed against the wall and his lips are devouring mine in a kiss that makes my head spin.

"Hi" I whisper breathlessly as his assault on my lips finally stops, allowing me to speak.

"So am I getting that room number?" he smirks making me laugh as I wrap my arms around him.

"We'll wake up Riley. You're not exactly quiet."

"Same to you Ms. Hunter" he teases back as he leans back down to kiss me. "I hate being away from you. Our daughter is at my brother's, we should be in our bed."

"Agreed" I smile as I kiss him once again. "What are you guys doing tomorrow?"

"Casino. Just a little gambling, why?"

"Hm" I smirk as I look up at him happily. "Text me to name of the casino and maybe you and I can do a little gambling of our own."

"You sure I can't get your room number?" he asks making me laugh as I reach up to kiss him one last time.

"I love you" I smile happily.

"Love you baby" he replies and just like that he's gone.


I can't sleep. I can never sleep through the night without Josh. It's been that way since the day he moved in. It's quite frustrating as I glance at the clock. 2. 3. 3:30.

"Ugh" I moan in annoyance as I grab my phone off the nightstand. It's a longshot but maybe...

MAYA: I can't sleep L

JOSH: Same! I didn't wanna wake you so I was refraining from texting

MAYA: Refraining is such a large word to text

JOSH: It's three in the morning and you're questioning my word choice...

MAYA: I'm a teacher. What do you want from me?

JOSH: So many things Ms. Hunter

My jaw hits the ground as I glance back to make sure Riley is still asleep. She's the soundest sleeper in the world so I'm not surprised that she is in fact fast asleep.

MAYA: Where are you?

JOSH: Wherever you are J

I quickly jump out of bed and stride to the door. I have to find Josh, I'll go crazy if I don't but as I open my door my journey is cut short.

"I told the desk you locked me out" he smirks making me laugh as I throw my arms around him.

"We have a serious separation problem" I smile as I hold him tight against me.

"There are worse problems to have babe" he says sweetly as he strokes my hair. "Can I come in?"

"Mhm" I smile as I take his hand and lead him over the bed. We curl up under the covers and he positions himself behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulls my body against his. His steady breaths evening out as falls asleep beside me. I smile as I snuggle into his embrace, letting my eyes flutter shut as I finally fall asleep. 

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