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4 years later...

-Hermione Granger-

As I stood behind the large windows of my office in Malfoy Inc, the city stretched before me in all its night time glory. I had one thing in mind: How my life changed in the last 4 years. That, and the overwhelming guilt that threatened to eat me whole : guilt for feeling like shit. But the sentence kept echoing in my head.

I know who you are, Mudblood.

The way the sentence was so creepily structured... It disturbed me a lot. But I guess being a CEO had its fair share of problems. And my marriage with Draco was always in the public's eye. I'm sure I had quite a few 'haters' out there, perhaps the person didn't know me anyway, it seemed rather like a threat to freak me out.

I was freaked out.

Well, then there was Elizabeth Tanner. I think she still holds a grudge since her marriage with Draco was scandalously cancelled- by me, the girls, Narcissa and Draco himself. She's been writing on Daily Prophet since Rita Skeeter's unexpected death the previous year, mentioning us occasionally- only with negative commentaries, I assure you. 

"Mione! What are you thinking of? How hot my body is?" 

There he was, Draco. Smirking.

"You haven't changed a bit."

"And you love me for it." He always had a come back.

Suddenly, he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me hungrily, as if he had been waiting for this the whole day. There was so much passion to it that I felt like I could explode from the heat any second. Elegance, too. Rapid movements with soft touches. Then, I felt his tongue trying to slither in, and I let him. It expertly wandered through every corner, and so did his hands on my body, simultaneously. It was like a remedy, a dream I never wanted to wake up from. But eventually, he pulled away.

I moaned. "I'm tired, Draco. Take me home." 

"Your wish shall be granted." 

He lifted me, bridal style, as if it was still our wedding night. Yes, he hadn't changed a single bit, still being a hopeless romantic and hell, I loved him for it.

From the wedding night...

"Girls, your daddy and I just need some sleep, it's been a tough day. Oh gosh, it's midnight already! Let me kiss you goodnight." 

"Love you mommy," whispers Luna, as I kiss her puffy cheek. Mommy, I repeat in my head. Sounds so beautiful.

But well, Stella just chuckles, looking mischievous. 

"I know what you guys are up to!" She giggles.

"What is it?" demands Luna, with all her pureness.

"It's nothing sweetie, we'll probably fall asleep in a minute or two, thinking of this wonderful day, cherishing it."  I shoot Stella a look of disapproval, our eyes meeting, but she chooses to ignore it. 

"Lu, have you ever wondered how ba-" 

"Silencio!" I mutter before she could plant dirty ideas in Luna's head.

"She probably meant, 'How bacons are made?'.  Well, I can tell you a bed time story instead if you wish."

Luna screamed. "Yay!" 

But of course Stella can do nothing but glare. 

"Once upon a time, there was an apple named Drapple..." I turn to look at Luna. She has already slept. She looks so peaceful, angel-like.

I turn to Stella and see that her spell has worn off. "Good night, Hermione." 

"Sleep well." I kiss them both from the cheek. 

I tip-toe out of the room and when I get to our lamp-lit room, I find Draco lying in the bed- with Rudolph the Reindeer pajamas on! 

"Oh my god!" 

"Oh, hey... What is it?" 

"You are just so fucking hilarious!" 

He stares at me weirdly. 

"I mean I was just planning to sleep since I'm exhausted but... Rudolph? Did you borrow this from Luna and use Engorgio or something?"

"It ain't my fault if you are too old to have fun, Granger."

"We return to that?" I break out laughing, jumping next to him. 

He laughs back. "I love messing with you." 

"So do I."

I wrap my arms around his neck while his fingers play with my curls. 

"I don't want this to end." 

He looks at me. "It doesn't have to. I'm positive that I'll meet you in my dreams. Sleep tight, 'Mione." He kisses my forehead.

I close my eyes, no doubt that I'll have my best sleep yet.


The end of the first chapter! I hope you liked it because I tried to follow the first book's content with a little bit more romance to it. And wow... I've written my first kissing scene! And have you noticed the Drapple puns? Let me know what you think in the comments.

Love you all, 

wildie xx

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