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The next day's Daily Prophet brought the breaking news which the Malfoy family was ashamedly satisfied to hear.

Journalist Elizabeth Tanner Reported To Be Dead

Our news reporter Elizabeth Tanner, who had replaced Rita Skeeter after her death, was claimed to be dead by her sister, Elena. Yet, it was not much of an honorable way to die. 

"Elizabeth was an unreported Animagus. In fact, a fly. She had learnt how to do this from a conversation with Rita Skeeter, who had used the same technique to find out all the secrets of her rivals- apparently, she hated Mrs Malfoy too, and that's probably why she wanted to help my sister. 

Elizabeth was driven with with the desire of revenge since Mrs Malfoy married Mr Malfoy in her place. She would transform into a fly form to sneak out wherever she wanted, and she used this to try and sabotage their marriage.

 I warned her a couple of times, but she wouldn't listen. I think she irritated one of the Malfoys and they killed her without knowing, because she didn't come back home for a day- something she would never do without letting me know. As much as it pains me to say this, it's the only explanation possible."

We will let you know the replies of the representatives of both the Malfoy family and the Ministry in the future.

"No one fucking contacted us," laughed Draco.

"Who cares? One less problem in our life."

"Mom! Why were you hiding a sausage in your drawer?"

"I take it back," Hermione muttered, running to the bedroom.



That's a wrap up for my first novella!

Thank you for all the support you've given me, I love you all. I mean it.

What did you think about the end? Make an inline comment if you got the dirtiness in the last part ;)

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