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-Stella Malfoy-

I stared at him blankly.

"I repeat, who are you?" The boy hissed.

Following a few seconds of hesitance, "We are Draco Malfoy's daughters, we are coming from the future."

Ron started laughing. "Come on, these are just some Hufflepuff girls trying to troll us."

Luna's breath got heavier and her hands clenched into fists. Then she reached out to her neck, where the Time Turner was hanging. "See this? It's a time turner!"

Hermione's eyes got larger after taking a closer look at it. "That's a real one, these girls aren't lying." If she only knew we'd be her future daughters, and no, I'll not say step daughters instead, she was more of a mom than Fleur ever was. 

Too bad we would have to use memory extraction spell on them later, it was too much of a risk to have her knowing us before we were actually born.

"How do we know they are the ferret's kids, then?" Ron resisted.

I wanted to slap him in the face. "Doesn't it show from my face?" I snarled.

"Yeah, but hers doesn't." He pointed Luna, she looked neither like dad nor Fleur, she was more like great aunt Bellatrix' with her big chocolate eyes and curvy figure- at least how curvaceous someone her age could be. 

"Don't be such a bitch, Weasel. We are here to save a cursed girl, if you don't believe us, Harry can go grab his invisibility cloak and take a peek at The Cursed Gryffindor from The Restricted Section."

They stared at me in shock.

"Wait- how do you know about my cloak?" Demanded Harry.

"Long story. Just do as I say." Wow, I enjoyed bossing people around. 

So Harry went back to his dormitory in the mostly emptied Hogwarts to take his cloak. He returned half an hour. In the meantime, we chatted with Hermione, completely ignoring Ron. This must have drove him crazy. 

Harry's breath was parched, he took long breaks as he spoke. 

"I've seen the most crazy vision of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin. He cursed Godric's daughter, Rosalind." 

I threw Ron a "See what I mean now?" look. However, this didn't seem to bother him the slightest bit! 

"Okay, so even if this is all true, how can we know she doesn't actually plan to hand you over to Death Eaters?"

I tried to keep calm. A tip from me: If you want to negotiate with someone, you shouldn't sound hostile and agitated.

"We just want to make up for a mistake my grandfather did that possibly cost a young girl her life. Now come on, we have 183 960 turns to go back to 1990."

His friends probably have noticed Ron was being a jerk so they joined us and eventually Ron did too, huffing. "I swear we are going to regret this."

Then Luna started turning, at 30k, she passed on to Harry and it went on like that. Once again (only after 25 minutes this time), different places at a macro speed surpassed. We were once more in the Hogwarts grounds. Almost everything looked the same, except the lighting, which gave the room a spooky ambiance.

"Don't let people see you, you are The Boy Who Lived for god's sake!" I rebuffed.

Hermione asked with her kindest, "Where do we go now?"

"An orphanage in Alderbury, Wiltshire."

"That's a bit far, isn't it? Maybe we can apparate," Harry suggested.

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