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-Stella Malfoy-

I was so proud of Luna but of course their is always something -or someone- to bother you when things are going smooth. It was Elizabeth Tanner. She had her own corner in Daily Prophet and had written a mid-page article about last night, titled "Latest Malfoy: A Disgrace?". I was unexplainably disgusted of her twisted hierarchical thinking. It went on like this:

As you might probably know, The Sacred Twenty-Eight are the twenty eight British families that were still truly pureblood by the 1930s. We had thought that the list would not change much. We were seemingly wrong. One of the leading families in that list, Malfoys, were proud of being all-Slytherin until yesterday, their youngest heiress, Luna Malfoy, got sorted into Hufflepuff. And not in a distant past, about 6 years ago, her father, Draco Malfoy, made his second marriage with the muggleborn witch, Hermione Granger. Does this mean somethings are changing in the Malfoy family? Perhaps they don't value nobility anymore. We'll be tracking what other members of their beloved community think about the latest events and will let you know if they'll still be on the list after these two incidents.

I held myself to not throw this garbage straight in the fireplace. There was one more article of hers that caught my interest: Are you sure Voldemort isn't out there?

We have recently chatted with a reliable source from Ministry, only to learn what actually happened to Voldemort, the greatest dark wizard of our age. How exactly did Harry Potter, as known as the everyone's adored hero and The Chosen One got rid of him, we ask, only to be shocked by the reply.

After trying to capture The Philosopher's Stone through a poor professor and resurrect himself through his diary and a Basilisk (which admittedly Potter stopped), it appears that he had not-so-nice plans for Potter on the night that a boy named Cedric Diggory died, as confessed by the Death Eater captured inside Hogwarts. Since the death curse isn't curable but he almost succeeded in his revival ritual, it's highly doubtful that Voldemort died. We are currently awaiting a reply from the Ministry.

I wanted to write Hermione a letter but our lovely ghost of a teacher, Cuthbert Binns gave us a two parchment homework based on Hogwarts' history. Maybe I could check the Restricted Section, it could both give me creative homework material and a possibility of research about Voldemort. I knew Professor Binns would never write me a permission paper therefore my only hope was Madam Pince being understanding. I know, pretty unlikely. 

"Madam Pince, I wonder if you could let me use the Restricted Section for my history homework."

"Permission paper please," she demanded with a high pitched voice.

"I haven't got any."

"I can't help you then. There are plenty of history books here anyway. You needn't go there." 

I sighed and went. I wasn't expecting to use the Invisibility Cloak so fast, tonight, to be specific. I now needed to talk to Luna. As a first year who didn't have the slightest idea about O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s , she was sitting under a tree. The vision of her made me upset though: she was all alone, eyes fixated on an empty space, too sad looking for such a cheerful girl. 

"Hey Lu, what is it?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I was going to study The Levitation Charm."

Whenever she was upset, she pretended that everything was alright but it showed up. I searched for the verity, my eyebrows were lifted.

"Is it about being the Malfoy in Hufflepuff?"

She gulped and blinked her eyes rapidly.

"I guess. I am not exactly people's favorite here but oh well, dad sent me a letter this morning. He told me he heard it all and was proud of me. He added some nasty adjectives about that Elizabeth woman too."

We then host a competition, just between the two of us, creating other nasty adjectives for Elilzabeth and for a while, we forgot all about our problems. That was until the bell for the lesson ran off.

"See you!" I waved.

At dinner, neither of us came to each other's table. I hated it but Slytherin wasn't the most welcoming to the other houses and on the contrary, I would be even more left out if I went over to Hufflepuff table. Instead of uniting, we exchanged glances while eating chicken and noodles-yeah, I might have accidentally splashed one on to my nose while slurping it.

About an hour later, every house went to their common room with their Prefect. Finally, towards eleven o'clock, everyone was asleep. I picked up the cloak and tip-toeing, I got out of the Slytherin dungeons. My fright decreased as I kept walking in the now isolated corridors. At last, I was there and happily, The Library was always open- students weren't expected to go out at night and teachers weren't likely to steal a book, were they?

So there I stood, checking if there's any sign of the damn janitor called Filch, and after I ensured there wasn't, I moved on to The Restricted Section. I started looking through the dusty shelves, not many were allowed to look at these over years. The first book that caught my eye was The Cursed Gryffindor. I opened it like any normal, harmless book but of course I didn't know this was the start of a new adventure. The words written in ink flew to the air, mixing, images were squirting out. When it was all over, I was once again in Hogwarts' corridors. But the time was entirely different. Suddenly, two man appeared: One was bald with a long grey beard, dressed in greens and a silver locket hanging from his neck. The other's red hair and beard covered a large proportion of his face, he looked like a warrior in medieval times. It was too late to hide as they were already looking at my direction. Oddly, they seemed not to see me. Perhaps I was inside of the book! 

They stopped and the bald one commenced talking.

"It was so inappropriate of you to call me out for favoring the noblest wizards of all, Godric."

"Nobility comes with the character Salazar, it has got nothing to do with blood."

"Is that so? You and your policies! Utter crap! If you adore the muggles so much, here's a gift from me,"  a green spark flew from his wand.

"What did you do?" The redheaded man was starting to breath heavily.

"Oh, it's just a small experiment, some might call it a curse though. Since you love the muggles so much, I've sent your daughter's soul of to the muggles' world. If she manages to find a suitable muggle's body to settle in and to get back to the wizarding world, demanding her rights as the Gryffindor heiress, she'll be the live proof of nobility. Don't get your hopes up, she won't recall a thing about her past after she transfers to a new body. So even if she succeeds, we will all be dead by that time."

"You son of a bitch! Leave this castle at once or there won't be anybody holding me from killing you!" Screamed Godric in agony.

"With pleasure."

And I was back in the library, only lit by my Lumos charm. There were a few words left in the book:

And after saying that Salazar Slytherin departed. Years later, in 1990, it raised a lot of suspicion when Lucius Malfoy, a self-claimed protector of the purity, allegedly took custody of a 10 year old muggle girl. Aftermath, she was nowhere to be seen. 


Hope you enjoyed! If so, feel free to spam me with your loving <3

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