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The honeymoon is know for being time for the bride and groom to enjoy time together as husband and wife. Lets just say the odds were not in my favor.

Liam, my newlywed husband, got invited to a pool game with a few of the hotel guests. At first he didn't want to attend because "this was supposed to be us time". I told him to go and that I would probably visit the hotel spa and then we could have dinner after. That is not exactly what occurred.

I was not okay with him leaving but I didn't want to come off as clingy. I know, right? That's an unrealistic train of thought for someone who just got married.

I was sulking at the hotel bar, ordering drinks, when a handsome man sat in the seat beside me.

"Now what's a girl like you doing at a bar alone?" he asked me, with a very strong British accent.

I thought about telling him that I was on my honeymoon but the way he was looking at me made me want to lie.

"I'm waiting on someone.." He looked at me somewhat perplexed. "Who in their right minds would make such a beautiful girl wait?" he asked. His eyes twinkled and I blushed. I'll admit I was very captivated by this man and getting more so with each charismatic phrase.

He offered me a drink and I accepted. We talked about Paris and our reasons being here. I continued to lie and said that I was here on a business trip. Marketing. He seemed very impressed by that. Thankfully he didn't ask too many questions about it. He was here visiting his sister. I learned that his name was Zayn Malik and he had a best friend named Harry Styles. They're from Britain which was pretty obvious from the accent. He said he liked, "flashy cars and pretty women" to which he winked at me, causing me to blush. We talked for what seemed like hours but in reality a mere 45 minutes. But alas, time is but a number because although our short deviation together, the nature of our relationship turned quite sinful.

I had left my room key in my room and Zayn didn't have a room in this hotel. We ended up behind the kitchens, kissing erratically. My back was against the wall as I tugged at his waistline. He unzipped his jeans and lowered his boxers, revealing his strained member.
"Jump," he practically growled and I did. Straddled around him, with my hips moving erratically, begging.

I knew we had to be quiet but I couldn't help but gasp at the sudden warmth he happily gave me as he slowly moved his hips into position and slid his member into my heat. With every thrust came a muffled groan from us both. Our animalistic instincts made the sex rough. The thrusts sped up and became sloppier as we reached our close. I tightened around him and clawed his back to keep myself from screaming out of insane pleasure.

He then released himself inside of me. We stayed like this for a while, catching our breaths. He soon let me down from his waist. We awkwardly adjusted ourself a so that nothing would look array.

From the kitchen we could hear the cooks talking, "I don't know man, he's been here a while. I think he's waiting for his wife. I hear its their honeymoon..."

Oh god. I had forgotten about Liam. How hurt he may become if he discovered my indiscretions. All I knew is that this had to be kept a secret but I didn't want it to stop. Over the next couple of days I visited Zayn's hotel three streets over and our time together was quite eventful. It was only the 6th encounter that Liam saw us together and that was only because of scheduling mistakes from his office. Lets just say that Zayn no longer lives alone and I am no longer a married woman.


Guys I don't know what else to write. I mean, I have ideas but they're really weird and I don't want a guaranteed spot in hell, k? Comment some ideas and ill run with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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