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Like Yoongi promised, he was there at seven o' clock to come get the kids. Hoseok opened the door for him, he himself still wearing his pajamas. 

"Why is everyone still sleeping? Aren't you guys late?" Yoongi asked. 

"School doesn't start for them until 9:30," Hoseok answered, "but I'll have to wake them up in about thirty minutes away. I like your choice of clothing, by the way, you look cute. Aren't you going to be cold, though?"

Yoongi was only wearing a olive T-Shirt and his usual black, ripped jeans and black Vans. The whole outfit reminded Hoseok of how people used to dress while he was in college.

"I brought a jacket, it's just in the car," Yoongi replied. 

Hoseok nodded, turning to walk back to his room.

"Hey!" Yoongi called for him.

"What?" Hoseok said back in a hushed tone.

Yoongi was pouting when Hoseok looked at him. "Why didn't you give me a kiss hello?" 

Hoseok scoffed, his cheeks burning. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet, do you want me to kill you with my breath?" 

"I don't care about that!"

"I ate fish yesterday with a side of McDonald's fries."

"I still don't care."

Hoseok walked away, making gag noises. "I'm not going to kiss you at all because of what you just said, Yoongi. That's disgusting." 

Yoongi frowned, stepping into the house and closing the door behind him. He actually didn't care at all, all he wanted was a kiss from his boyfriend. It would make his entire morni-

Hoseok's lips were pressed against Yoongi's before the man could even comprehend what was going on. Yoongi closed his eyes and placed his hand on Hoseok's neck, trying to pull him closer to him, but Hoseok pulled away a mere moment later. 

"Happy?" Hoseok asked. 

"Yeah," Yoongi blushed, "I'm happy now."

Hoseok walked away, telling Yoongi he was going to wash up and get ready before he went and woke up the kids. Yoongi decided to sit in the living room and wait, turning on the morning cartoons to watch Naruto. 

He had the volume at a low amount, afraid to wake up the kids. However, the second the theme song of Naruto came on, the bedroom door opened. 

Jiro popped out, holding onto his Naruto doll. His eyes were barely opened, but he rushed into the living room the second he heard the music from the show. Once his eyes adjusted, he could make out Yoongi on the couch, staring at the little boy in shock. 

"Yoongi!" Jiro came running the hallway towards Yoongi, his little legs almost tripping onto the wooden floor before jumping onto Yoongi's lap, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's neck. He placed a kiss onto Yoongi's cheeks before pressing his lips to Yoongi's like he would to Hoseok. Yoongi isn't as caught off-guard as he was the first time when Kenji kissed him, but the kisses still made his heart skip a beat. He's never met children who loved him so dearly.

"Hi Yoongi! Hi!" Jiro squealed, holding Yoongi's neck tightly, "I missed you! Why are you here today? Are you going to Mommy and Muffins today?"

"Yes, I'm going," Yoongi smiled, standing up and holding Jiro in his arms. "How did you wake up so fast? How did you hear the TV?"

"I was already awake, but I left my room when I heard the TV," Jiro responded. "Kenji was crushing me in his sleep because he moved to my bed." 

"Ah, I see," Yoongi answered, "let's go see your brother, okay?" 

Yoongi walked into the boys' bedroom with Jiro in his arms, and he found Kenji laying on the bed, tears across his face. The boy was still sleeping, but Yoongi could tell he was disturbed, since the boy still whined and wept in his sleep. Slowly, Yoongi put Jiro down and walked up to Kenji, shaking him gently.

"Kenji?" He called to him, shaking him gently. Kenji didn't wake up, he just whined even more, and more tears spilled from his eyes.

"Kenji, it's Yoongi," he said a little louder, shaking Kenji some more. Kenji slowly stirred, opening his red eyes and looking at Yoongi's face. He slowly became tearing up, and Yoongi lifted him onto his lap, making the boy look him in the eye.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Yoongi asked him in a hushed tone. Kenji nodded.

Yoongi held the boy close to him, patting his back softly until Kenji calmed down. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Y-You died," Kenji mumbled, "you and Daddy died in a car accident."

The fact a child would cry over losing Yoongi made his heart flutter sadly. 

"I'm here, and Daddy is in his room getting ready," Yoongi smiled, "so don't worry, okay? We're not leaving any time soon."

Jiro climbed onto Yoongi's lap and wiped the tears on his brother's face, and Yoongi held the two of them in his lap until Hoseok walked into the room, wearing a black robe. He looked much more awake now.

"Looks like everyone is up now, makes things much easier for me," Hoseok chuckled, watching as his sons climb off of Yoongi's lap and walk up to Hoseok. "Let's go get you guys ready, okay?" 

Hoseok gave Yoongi a small smile, which Yoongi returned, before he ushered himself and the kids to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Yoongi got up and began making the children's beds as a nice gesture, before he started picking up loose toys on the ground. 

"Daddy?" Yoongi could hear Jiro talk all the way from the bedroom. "Daddy, what do we call Yoongi? Can we call him Appa yet?" 

Yoongi froze, waiting to hear what Hoseok would say in response.

"You can call him Appa," Hoseok answered, "but not right now. Let's wait a little longer before we start calling him that. For now, keeping call him Yoongi, okay?" 

Yoongi continued to clean the loose toys, not able to understand why his chest is full of sadness so suddenly. 

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