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"Today went much smoother," Hoseok told his friend, Jun, "I was able to get them in the car without tears, and they were much more excited to go and see their teacher."

"How have they been transitioning with English?" Jun wondered, typing on his computer before picking up his cup of coffee and spinning his chair left so he could face Hoseok. 

"Kenji is having some trouble getting used to English, according to their teacher," Hoseok sighed, rubbing his temple. "He doesn't want to speak to anyone but Jiro, while Jiro is apparently using body language to connect with the other kids. Kenji, however, learned an important word."

"What word?"

"'Bathroom,'" Hoseok said monotonously, which caused Jun to spit his sip of coffee back into his cup while laughing. "I didn't even tell you anything else, and you're already laughing, Jun. "

"I just imagined your son jumping out and down pointing at his crotch because he needs to pee," Jun giggled, and Hoseok giggled as well.

"That's exactly what happened," Hoseok laughed. "Kenji was jumping up and down during recess holding his crotch and a kid asked him if he needed to use the bathroom. Kenji just blurted, 'Bathroom!' and the kid led him to bathroom before he could piss on himself." 

Jun laughed as well, before suddenly snorting, causing Hoseok and him to belt out loud yelping and laughing. Hoseok leaned back, trying to catch his breath, while Jun turned away from him to hide his reddening face.

Jun was Hoseok's closest friend, one of the first ones he made when he moved from Korea to the United States. Jun moved from China, and knew how hard it was to transition without knowing a language, so he helped Hoseok out a lot in college. Jun was there when Hoseok became a father, and he allowed Hoseok to live with him in the apartment so he wouldn't have to raise his kids in a dorm. Hoseok eventually moved out when he saved enough money, but often comes back with the kids so they can see their uncle.

"You know what I'm going to do?" Hoseok asked Jun randomly.


Hoseok smiled and looked Jun in the eye. "I'm going to go back to school, so I don't have to sit in a cubicle anymore, and answer calls and make reports. I want to do something in the medical field, or maybe in music. I just really don't want to be here anymore."

"Don't say that out loud," Jun shushed him, "we could both lose our jobs, and if you want to go back to school, why don't you just go now?"

"Because the boys," Hoseok answered simply, "I haven't been anywhere without them aside from the time I left them with you to go and do this job interview. Plus, I don't have any trust for babysitters anymore since last time when I walked in on the babysitter about to give Kenji a peanut butter sandwich. How the hell did she not follow simple instructions, I specially told her not to give him peanuts or he'll swell u-"

"Leave them with me," Jun rolled his eyes, "I can take care of them." 

"I don't want to do that to you," Hoseok replied, "I don't feel like putting my children's lives in the hands of someone else so often."

"So, you're not going to school, then?" 

"I'll go," Hoseok huffed, "I'll just go when they're older, when they're ten, or when I can trust them long enough to take a class." 

"When's the last time you've gone out on a date?" Jun asked randomly, crossing a leg over the other

Jun knew that Hoseok hasn't been on a date since he was twenty. Every time he tried to take Hoseok out to the club and have fun, Hoseok complains that he can't leave his kids with a babysitter. Jun offered to have his younger brother take over for the night, but Hoseok still panicked and decided to stay home.

"It's been too long," Hoseok chuckled, crossing his arms against his chest, "but I really don't have the time right now." 

"You don't try to make any time," Jun whined, pouting his lips, "I keep trying to take you out and meet some people but you don't even want to! My brother is seventeen, and he's a good kid. If the kids have a bedtime at eight o' clock, he'll show up at half past eight and just watch the house. Then, you can go out!"

"And what if I do find someone, what do I do then?" Hoseok complained. 

"You go out on more dates and have more fun!"

Hoseok groaned, rubbing his eyes in frustration. He looked Jun in the eye, and gave him a small, guilty, smile.

"My kids don't know I like men yet," Hoseok confessed. 

Jun threw his hands into the air and let out a frustrated groan, loud enough for everyone on their floor to hear. Hoseok hid his face in embarrassment, knowing Jun was going to be on his case for the rest of the week. 

"Why don't you just tell them?" Jun exploded. "They're four! How judgmental can they be?"

"Jun, you're forgetting that I brought them into this world, they are very aware that they came out of a woman," Hoseok reminded him. "They'll think it's unnatural if I just bring a guy into the house and say 'Kids, meet your other dad!'"

"They're four!" Jun emphasized. 

"My kids are smart, Jun," Hoseok claimed, "they'll ask questions like 'Why did you choose to have a man?' or maybe say something like 'Daddy, you're supposed to be with a woman.'"

"Then, tell them gently," Jun insisted, "tell them that over time, you came to a decision with yourself that you like men. Simple." 

"I-I can't," Hoseok stammered, "how am I supposed to just straight out say something like that?"

"There will come a time when you meet someone, Hoseok, and I know you don't want to catch your kids by surprise. When you're ready, bring it up to them," Jun said calmly, rubbing Hoseok's shoulder. Jun stood, grabbing his bag and coffee before turning off his computer. "I'm going to go now, Netflix has another episode of my favorite show coming out and I don't want to miss it. You should get going, too, it's almost two o' clock and you need to pick up your kids." 

Hoseok sighed, grabbing his things as well, before following Jun out of the building. 

baby boys - jung hoseok + min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now