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11:29 a.m.
nova on the right
alinna on the left


"look who is finally awake."

"stop yelling."

"i'm literally speaking completely normal."

"sorry...where are we,
by the way?"

"drew's house."

"still? i thought we left already."

"yeah, well we were about
to until you threw up in
his mom's hydrangeas."

"oh no. was it bad?"

"yup. i took you to the
bathroom where you threw
up some more and then you
wandered into one of drew's
guest rooms and fell asleep."


"while i was helping drew
clean off the hydrangeas he
said we could stay since you
were asleep. and we've been
here ever since."

"holy crap, my dad's
gonna kill me."

"don't worry. i texted him
from your phone saying that
you would be staying at my house."

"have i told you that you're
the most amazingly awesome
cousin in the world you are?"

"only about 200 million times,
but i would love to hear it again."

"you're the most amazingly
awesome cousin in the world."

"i know. now drink some water."

"thanks...any other eventful
things from last night i
should know about?"

"...umm no."

"uh oh. what happened?"


"alinna katherine raines."

"nova elizabeth kohler."

"what happened?"





"maybe nothing will be
our always."


"hahahh. come on. you set me
up perfectly for that one."

"whatever. so what really
happened? was it worse than
throwing up in the hydrangeas?"

"depends on how you
look at it."

"oh god. what was it?"

"you, uh, drunk texted...someone."

"holy crap. don't tell
me it was my mom."

"nope. it was, um, herman."

"please tell me you're talking
about a completely different
herman than the one i think
you're talking about."

"how many freaking
hermans do you know?"

"oh no no no no. what did i say?"

"here's your phone. see
for yourself."

"...why the fuck am i
speaking spanish?"

"keep going."

"so many typos."

"keep going."

"why would he choose to read
minds, you choose to be
invisible obviously."

"exactly what i was thinking."

"...i can't believe you called him
a 'little fucker'. awesome."

"hahahh i know."

"great, now he knows his
name in my phone."

"yeah, sorry about that."

"it's fine. did you
really text him about

"yeah, about an hour ago.
he was really worried
about you. i just said you
were still sleeping."

"i can't believe that happened."

"well, believe it my good
friend. oh and you should
probably text him."

"what? why? no way."

"so he can know you're okay."

"but you already told him that."

"i think he would rather hear
it from you."

"okay, okay."

"now please. so he can stop
texting me nonstop."

"aye, aye captain."

𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ( 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘵ø𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘴 )[ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now