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FRIDAY11:21 a

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11:21 a.m.
nova on the right
herman on the left
brady in the middle

seconds after herman sent the text to nova he was up the stairs and in her room; where they had spent the majority of their night.

"*laughs* did you really run
up here?"

"*smiles* of course."

herman climbed into the bed and under the covers. she smiled and shook her head at him.

"you're such a dork."

"well, you're my girlfriend, so i think that makes you a dork too."

nova felt her heartbeat quicken as he said the word "girlfriend" and she hated and loved that feeling at the same time.

"stop that!"

"*smirks* stop what,

"you know what, you asshole.
the whole girlfriend. it makes
me feel all..."



she leaned in and kissed him for what felt like the fiftieth time that morning. herman responded immediately and kissed her back, his hand gripping her waist and slowly starting to travel downward. nova ran her fingers through herman's hair as his hand continued to travel down toward the plaid shorts she was wearing. until, he abruptly stopped and pulled away.

"it's okay. keep going."

nova leaned into herman to resume what they were doing, but he pulled back.

"*frowns* what's wrong?"

"it's just i don't want
to...hurt you like that
guy did."

"there's a difference between you and him; whoever it was. you can't hurt me. and i know you can't because i trust you. i trust you so fucking much and i know that you wouldn't ever force me to do anything that i didn't want to do...but, i do want to, with you."

herman smiled softly and they kissed, picking up from where they had last left off. however, this time there was more intensity between the pair. as herman's hand wandered down her waist once again, nova played with the hem of the white t-shirt he was wearing and started to pull it up.

suddenly, the bedroom door was pulled open by brady. he immediately shielded his eyes from the sight in front of him and yelled out, "fuck!"

both herman and nova quickly pulled away from each other; nova fixing her shorts that had been lowered a bit and herman pulling his shirt back down.

"brady, what the fuck?"

"oh god, please don't tell me you guys were about to have sex."


"yes!..i mean no."

nova glared at herman and then turned her attention back to brady.

"so, brads, what do you need?"

"i just came to inform you that ali is making us all hang out tonight."

"doing what?"

"i don't know she didn't give me that many details when we talked. only just to tell you."

"can't we do it like next
weekend or something?"

"well, i leave next week so it would be kinda hard to do that."

"fuck, next week? that
came fast."

"*chuckles* yeah. but anyway, you guys just be ready by nine because that's when she's coming."


"okay bye. make sure to use protection kids."

"oh god."

"we will."

nova smacked herman on the shoulder as brady began to walk away laughing to himself.


nova shook her head and smiled a bit at herman.

"*smirk* so, where
were we?"

"nope, no more. i'm gonna
get some breakfast."

"*groans* don't do
this to me."

"*smiles* sowwy baby. you're
welcome to help yourself though,
but just do it in the bathroom,

herman flipped her off, a small smile on his face, while nova laughed and began to walk down the stairs toward the kitchen.

𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ( 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘵ø𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘴 )[ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now