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hermit crab


"i really don't hate you."

"it didn't really seem like that
with the way you left friday-."

"i was just mad and stupid."

"-and i understand why you left the way you did. that's why i finally want to tell you everything."

"what do you mean
by 'everything'?"

"...all the things i was too
scared to tell you before."


"...*sighs* it's just that i've
never told anyone this, and i
really don't know how to."

"it's fine. do it however
you want to."

"okay, so i guess i'll start
from the beginning, but it's
kinda a long story."

"that's okay. i'll listen
to it all."

"also, feel free to ask any questions you want, that'll probably make this all easier. or say something when it seems like i've been rambling on for too long, okay? i don't like to be the only one talking, it makes me feel weird."

"*smiles* i know, and okay."

"okay...so, um, do you remember
the day that i told you i was moving
to london with my dad?"

"yeah, of course. it was the
day after that party at danny's house that you weren't able to
make it to."

"...yeah. on the day of the party is when
i found out about the move. apparently
i wasn't supposed to find out until a week after they made the decision, but i was listening to their whole discussion, so i heard it all happen."


"yeah, a sixteen year old kid should not hear her parents marriage go to shit,
but whatever, i was not the most normal sixteen year old. anyway, that night i was pretty fucked up and sad. brady was already in the states, and i felt really alone."

"*softly* you could've
talked to me."

"*nods* yeah, i knew i could. but, i thought, what was the point of talking about it if there was nothing that could be done to change it. so, for a while i stayed in my room kinda processing everything that happened until i got tired of that and decided to just go to the party."

"you told me you
didn't go."

"yeah, um, that was a lie. but i'll
get to why i lied about that in a bit.
it'll all just tie into each other...


"so i went to the party and got really drunk. like really drunk, puking and all that. my friends were really helpful and josefine and iman took me to the bathroom and then to a bedroom so i could sleep."

"that's good."

"yeah, but the thing was i couldn't sleep, and i didn't want to. what i wanted was to see you. i knew you would be able to help me forget all that shit with my parents."

𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ( 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘵ø𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘴 )[ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now