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FRIDAY11:15 p

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11:15 p.m.
herman on the left
nova on the right

the party had only been going for about two hours and nova was already pretty drunk. she danced and bobbed her head to the beat of the random pop song playing until she accidentally crashed into a familiar brown haired boy.

"heyyy! hermie!"


"i haven't seen
you in foreverrr."

"me and thomas just
hung out with you two
days ago."

"oh yeah!..but that was still
so long ago."

"*chuckles* about
we get you some water."

"ooh, water sounds fun."

herman gently took ahold of nova's hand and the pair made their way to the kitchen. nova hopped up on the marble countertop, while herman got her a water bottle. when he handed it to her she struggled to open the top, so he did it for her.

"*giggles* thanks."

"no problem."

nova took a couple sips of the water and then set down the bottle hopping off the counter. however, as she did a wave of drunkness took over and she stumbled a bit. herman was immediately right there and grabbed her waist, helping her before she tumbled to the floor.

"*yelps* shit, sorry."

"it's fine. where are you
trying to go anyway?"

"anywhere i can get
some sleep right now.
i'm superrrr tired."

"*chuckles* okay. let's go
find somewhere then."

"you don't have to help me. i
am an independent woman!"

"*smirks* well someone
needs to make sure this independent woman doesn't
fall on her ass."

"very true."

herman kept a firm grip on nova's waist as the two walked around the house (which was marlon's) until they found a random bedroom. nova laid down on the bed and smiled at herman from where he sat next to her.

"you're a great guy, hermie.
i like you sooo much."

"*chuckles* thanks,
you're a great friend too."

"*giggles* silly, i don't mean
as a friend. i like you more
than that."

for a few moments herman stared at the drunken girl before him wondering if what she had just said was actually true.


"*whispers* i like herman...
but, don't tell him that! i
don't want him to know."

"um,, why
didn't you tell...him
you like him?"

"*shrugs* i don't know. i guess
i'm kinda scared. plus there's
so much that would mess up

"like what?"

"shh, no more questions,
hermie. it's sleepy-time


before herman could finish what he was about to say the drunk nova pushed her lips against his in a light kiss, to stop him from talking; and then laid her head against the pillow and fell asleep. leaving herman completely confused.


lmao so that just happened..

but anywayyyys i'm out of school now
so updates will hopefully be more frequent 😄

𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ( 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘵ø𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘴 )[ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now