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1:12 p.m.
herman on left
nova on right

when herman got to nova's mom's house he was greeted by brady. they did the typical bro-guy hug thing and then brady directed herman toward nova's room. she was sitting in the middle of her floor completely surrounded by clothes and other random items when herman walked in. once she saw him she stopped folding the shirt she had in her hand and jumped up to hug him.

"hi, you're here! i didn't know you
were coming this early, but now
you can help me pack because as
you can see i'm a complete mess."

"*laughs* sounds fun."

"*sarcastically* it's the best.
but, honestly i really don't
care how we do this, just stuff
everything in the suitcase. i'll
figure the rest out when i get
back to london."


nova made her way back to the middle of her floor and pushed some stuff around to make room for herman. for the next few minutes the pair mindlessly put things in the suitcase until finally nova said,

"so was there a reason you
wanted to hang out today or do
you just have a weird fetish
for packing suitcases?"

"*chuckles* damn, now
you know my secret."

"*smiles* don't worry i won't
tell anybody...but seriously?"

"...i just, uh, wanted to
talk to you about your
birthday party."

"oh yeah, shit. i meant to tell
you thank you for helping
me out that night."

"you remember what

"barely, but i do remember
you getting me water and
getting me to a room so i
could sleep."

"oh..yeah no problem."

"wait, did i do something
stupid that night?"


"fuck. what was it?"

"you kinda, um, told
me that you liked me."


"yeah...and then you also
kissed me too."

"o-oh. wow."

"yup...okay, so i know i
already asked you this
but i think i should ask
it again. nova, do you
like me?"






"i think you're only
supposed to pick one
of the choices."

"*sighs* do you want
the truth?"

"that would be great, yes."

"okay, fine. yes, i do like you,
but there's just so much that
makes this not work and would
fuck up everything about this

"what do you mean by
'so much'?"

"i can't say."

"why not?"

"*stammers* b-because...
just because."

"you know what i think? it's
not that you can't say it, it's
that you don't want to say it.
and i find that really stupid
and annoying because you
know i'm someone that you can
tell anything to no matter how fucked up it is, yet you decide
to not tell me anything."

"...i don't know what to say."

"the actual truth would be
pretty nice right now."

"..i-i can't."

they both stopped talking for a moment. herman looked down at the floor running his fingers in his hairs, while nova stared at him with tears in her eyes.

"okay, i...should probably go."

"don't...herman, i'm
really sorry."

"i'm just really done...
with all of this; the lies,
secrets, etc."

herman stood up and walked to the door.


"have fun in london.
i'll, uh, see you around."

with that he walked out and then nova really started crying.


aHHHH skam is ending tomorrow and i'm not ready😭😭

𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ( 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘵ø𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘢𝘴 )[ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now