Chapter 16

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I'm treating yall with a long chapter today.
-------------------3rd person ---------------------

Back in the helicarrier, Fury sees on his viewscreen the destruction going on in New York. Agent Hill walks up to him "Sir. The council is on." Oh shit! Fury presses his screen making it go blank.

On top of the rooftop, Hawkeye fires arrows into the streaming flow of the Chitauri riders, hitting his mark each time. Hell, even aims his bow behind him, without looking and releases the arrow, exploding a rider. "Stark. You got a lot of strings sticking to your tail."

"Just try and keep them off the streets." Stark replied, zooming down a street.

"Well, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner." Clint suggested and fires another arrow.

"I will roger that." Stark does so and leads towards tight corners and in Hawkeye's view, who fires arrow upon and arrow, destroying the Chitauri riders.

Iron Man keeps leading the Chitauri under tunnels and through open parking garages. He looks back to find none left. "Nice call. What else you got?" Tony asked.

"Well, Thor's and Kaya are taking on a squadron down on 6th." Clint suggested.

"And they didn't invite me?" He said.

In a conference room where office workers sit around a table But a noise has caught one worker's eye, then another, and soon they are all rising, stepping to the window, mesmerized by what lies beyond. A Chitauri Leviathan swims right in front of them. Suddenly, another noise catches the worker's attention. The hulk crashes through their floor, sending paper flying everywhere. He destroys everything in his path and smashes through the window, jumping onto the jaw of the Leviathan. The weight of the hulk drags the Leviathan down and it tries to wave off the hulk.

Black Widow, using the energy rifle, is taken off her feet by a Chitauri soldier. She tiresomely takes it down by cutting its throat, She grabs the rifle and turns to attack. Cap stands there, holding his shield. She slumps back, tired. "Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." He answered.

"Well, maybe it's not about guns." she gestures to the flying chariots.

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride." Steve pointed out.

"I got a ride. I could use a lift though." Natasha backs up giving herself a running start. Cap lifts and angles his Shield.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun." She runs at cap and does a parkour move, using her feet to run up the car and jumps up on car's shield, eho gives her a boost. She grabs onto the flying chariot.

-------------------Kaya's POV---------------------

After what seems like hours, I have successfully cleared all the buildings in 39th Street. Most of the Chitauri have been killed round here so they're all near Stark Tower. I took off, I'm slowly getting faster at flying but it's going to take some time for me to master it.

I enter a street filled with chaos. Chariots are flying around, blasting everything in sight. I grabbed onto one and swung it round into others creating a massive explosion. Along the sides of the building were Chitauri soldiers smashing into windows and attacking civilians. I flew against the wall, pulling and tossing the soldiers into the ground and killing on impact. It was disgusting but I had no other choice.

I dodged all the oncoming energy blasts that were aimed at me. I landed on a Chitauri, took its gun and shot at other soldiers. From behind me, I could hear screams from people, a large group of New York citizens were surrounded by Chitauri soldiers. I ran up behind the soldier, whacking it over the head with the gun, it fell down so I shot it. Once I had killed all the Chitauri soldiers that surrounded the people, I told them to get passed 39th Street so they could be safer.

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