Chapter Five

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Ellie was escorted into the common room by Professor McGonagall. "Here we are dear, there doesn't seem to be anyone here.. they must be in class. " the witch sighed and she took a look around, she soon beamed when a red headed girl and a boy with mischievous face entered the room.

"Miss Weasley! Mr Finnigan! This is our new student, i hope that you will help her settle in?" "Of course, Professor McGonagall." The boy beamed, his strong Irish accent. "Then I will bid you good day." McGonagall smiled, and exited the common room. She was quite swift on her feet for her age.

"I'm Seamus, and this is Ginny. What's your name?" "Ellie. This is all so much more amazing than I could ever have imagined." Ellie smiled, shaking their hands. "Are you a muggle?" Ginny asked nosily. And Seamus shot her a glare. "Come on, she's only just got here! I'm sure Ellie doesn't want 20 questions as soon as she gets here... do ya Ellie?" Seamus laughed, throwing himself onto the sofa.

"It's ok, I don't mind. I'm a half blood, my mother was a witch.. so what years are you in?" Ellie asked, taking a seat next to Seamus. "I'm a 5th year, and he's a 6th year." Ginny replied casually bouncing into what Ellie assumed was the dormitories. "I'm a 6th year too." Ellie explained to Seamus.

Slowly the common room began to fill as students came in... some were playing wizarding chess, others were reading. The fire was burning and music was playing. The door swung open for the what felt like the millionth time and a group of three walked in. Ellie froze in shock when she saw a familiar face.

"Hermione!!!!" She screeched, running towards the girl with the wild hair and a toothy grin. "I can't believe it's you! I've missed you El." Hermione cried hysterically squeezing her old friend tight. "This is Ron and Harry.. guys this is Ellie, we went to muggle primary school together." Hermione explained, introducing her oldest friend to her newest.

"Great to meet you Ellie." The boy with dark hair and glasses smiled openly, "it's so nice to meet you too." Ellie replied, "bloody hell Hermione you were right, she really is pretty." Ron whispered to Hermione, trying to be discrete, Ellie could see he wasn't the sharpest knife in the draw and pretended she didn't hear what he had said. Hermione scowled in response to Ron's comments and returned her attention to Ellie.

"You must bunk with us! We have a spare bed in our room El, it's just Ginny and me at the moment." Hermione explained, taking Ellie's hand to show her to the dormitories. "Ginny is my younger sister." Ron explained.

Ellie had kind of gathered that for herself, as she hadn't seen too many redheads around the castle, she saw some red headed twins being told off by a really tiny man when she arrived at the castle, other than that she had only seen Ron and Ginny.

Once in the dormitories, Ellie sat down on the empty bed by the window. "Why are you in the corner when there is such a lovely view from this bed?" Ellie inquired, noticing Hermione shake her head as if to say 'don't go there'.
"I don't feel safe after dark, I fee protected in my little corner, I know it sounds silly... but since the incident with the Basalisk..." "we'll tell you about that later". Hermione added, seeing the confusion on Ellie's face.

"You should change, its time for dinner." Ginny suggested, with a sigh. "Oh, I think I will just stay here. I'm not feeling particularly hungry." Ellie replied with a small smile, and began unpacking her things. "Magic would be faster..." Hermione giggled, "I know, I like to do things myself whenever possible."

It wasn't long until Ellie was alone, and all her blongings had found their places. Ellie put her head in her hands and sobbed, "I don't think I can do this alone... I miss you both." She cried, hoping that her mother Davina and father Tom could hear her.

After showering she headed straight to bed, she was tired. Tired of pretending she's ok, tired of trying to make a good impression on people who didn't really matter, tired of being Ellie.
'None of this is real when I'm asleep.' She sighed, kissing the photo on her nightstand and drifting off...

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