Chapter Thirteen

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Snape hated himself for rejecting her a second time. She was everything he could ever dream of in a woman. She didn't need more heartache in her life but he was not in control. He could loose everything from being involved with her, his job, his devotion to Lily, his friends.. or 'friend' if he was being completely honest.

'Why does she want me? I'm old, and ugly. She could have anyone. I'm not going to take advantage of someone who's not thinking straight.. I'm just a fool.' He told himself as he necked one firewhiskey after another.

'Love at first sight does not exsist, I can't love her, I love Lily. I think..' he thought. The evening went by quickly and he was too intoxicated to face dinner. 'Ellie...' he sighed, staring into the bottom of an empty glass. He poured another and stumbled back to his chair.

As he got more drunk he became angry, at Ellie, at Lily, at the world. 'I'm not in love with a stupid girl with 100 problems.' He sneered, 'she will drop me for another, better man. They're all the fucking same.'

'Lily, I was the one who cared for her! Me! But I could never be Potter!' He groaned, falling asleep where he sat.
And again he dreamt..

"Severus..." Ellie whispered, biting her lip and approaching him wearing nothing but her underwear. "I want to make love to you, Severus." She smiled seductively. Climbing on his lap as he sat on the sofa. He trailed kisses over her exposed skin and ripped off the underwear that covered the small amounts of flesh that remained concealed.

Her lips latched on to his and she bit gently, causing him to gasp. He took her breasts in his mouth as his hands dropped lower to grasp her buttocks. The sound of her desperate moaning drove him wild.

"I love you Ellie." He told her, she grinned and brought her mouth to his ears, "I love you too Severus Snape" she whispered, pulling his trousers and pants to his ankles. She raised herself slowly, moving like a snake and lowered herself onto his length. He cried out as he experienced a woman's core for the first time in his life.

She grinded into him slowly, vocal the whole time. He was loosing his mind in a sea of bliss, slipping and sliding in her moisture. He wanted her forever, he wanted the moment to never end. He exploded as she screamed his name with passion and pleasure.

Snape woke up early, the sun was only just rising and he was still sat on the sofa. A glass broken in many pieces on the floor to his side, and a wet patch on the crotch of his trousers. 'What the hell just happened?' He scowled, never the morning person at the best of times.

He dragged himself to the shower, his body stiff after an uncomfortable slumber. He thought about the day ahead, and the kiss he shared with Ellie the night before as the hot water cocooned him.

The Slytherdor Series  (Snape) - Book One   (complete)Where stories live. Discover now