Chapter Nineteen

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Snape drank from a bottle of fire whiskey. Alone in his chambers. It had been three days since Ellie walked away from him and he hadn't seen her since.
She didn't turn up to his classes, nor meal times.

At first he worried about her, he wondered if she attended her other classes, he panicked about wether she was eating or not.

Not anymore.

He was angry, 'how could she do this to me?' He boomed, smashing the empty bottle against the wall before opening another. 'They're all the same. Chewing you up and spitting you out.'

The door knocker and he stared at it without speaking, he didn't know who it was but he no longer cared.
"Severus... dear boy i know you're in here." Dumbledore spoke impatiently.
"Come in... if you must." Snape scoffed with sarcasm and bitterness in his voice.

"Severus, why did I just see Miss Fant in the upper corridors in tears?" the headmaster asked, glaring at Snape through his half moon spectacles. "Don't speak about her, she is nothing to do with me." "I think that she is... so i will ask you again. Why was she in tears?"

"Fine.." Snape spat in annoyance.
"She found out that I'm a death eater and now she hates me, are you happy now?" "You love her don't you, dear boy?" Dumbledore sighed.

"What does it matter how I felt? she hates me because she's just the same as the rest. Albus, I would have done anything for the girl!"
"Then you know what you must do!" The old man groaned, he trusted Snape with his life but sometimes he just wanted to bang his head against a wall.

"I don't have to do anything, she made her feelings clear. she is right to hate me, I don't care anymore."
"You don't mean any of this, you are intoxicated and angry. You will think differently in the morning.." Dumbledore reassured his old friend, "No, I won't. Now if you would please take your leave i have things to attend to." Snape scowled, taking another swig from his bottle.

Dumbledore shook his head and looked at him feeling hopeless, he knew the only things he had to 'attend to' were getting drunk and passing out.

As he closed the door he took a deep breath and said to himself quietly...
"Merlin please don't let this be his destruction.."

The Slytherdor Series  (Snape) - Book One   (complete)Where stories live. Discover now