Chapter Seventeen

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2 weeks had passed since that night when Hermione caught them. And the star crossed lovers have been inseparable ever since, well, if you class Ellie getting a ridiculous amount of 'detentions' as inseparable...

Snape was walking with Ellie down by the black lake, it was so cold they could see their own breath as they exhaled. Wrapped up in her warmest attire Ellie wondered how he wasn't catching hypothermia wearing only his robes.
She assumed he was used to low temperatures what with him living in the dungeons.

"Are you pleased with your decision?" Ellie smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I've never been more sure about anything in my life... I'm proud to admit that I love you." Snape smiled gently, kissing her softly. "I love you so much Severus, and I think I have done since I first saw you." Ellie whispered into his ear. He chuckled and squeezed her tight, trailing kisses along her jawline. "You know... I think about you when I'm alone at night." He hissed seductively as she pushed herself against him.

"Is that right?" She grinned, licking her lips suggestively, "Take me to your chambers Sev... I want to spend the night with you." Ellie purred, biting his bottom lip and running her hands over his bulge. He gulped and his eyes lit up with lust, "Oh Ellie... you have no idea how much I want you in my bed..." "I think I do... you said you thought of me at night..." she smirked with a naughty look in her eye.

Within ten minutes they were in his chambers, kissing their way into his bedroom. "I want to forfill your every fanasty my love..." he drawled, as he ripped her blouse from her. Leaving her stood in her bra. He took her hand and led her to his bed, hovering over her he kissed her flesh as he removed her jeans.

"Severus...." she groaned as he placed kisses on her stomach. She sat up and began unbuttoning his robes, discarding them and continuing on to his dress shirt. His hands ravaged her curves as she unbuttoned him as quickly as she could. She brought her lips to his as she peeled the shirt from his shoulders, leaving him in just his trousers.

she pulled her lips from his and was about to remove his trousers, she reached for the top button and froze as her eyes caught sight of his arm.. and there it was..

The Dark Mark.

The Slytherdor Series  (Snape) - Book One   (complete)Where stories live. Discover now