Chapter Sixteen

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"It's been quite the day hasn't it." Snape spoke as he walked up behind Ellie. She was sat on the steps to the castle entrance looking up at the stars. "Do you think they can hear me?" She asked, referring to her parents. "I don't know." He said sadly, as he sat down beside her.
"I can't talk to the dead, like Claude. If I could.. they would have came to me by now." She sighed, "You don't know that for sure Ellie, there might be a reason they aren't contacting you.." he suggested, Ellie looked at him and studied his features for a while, he was so handsome. She sighed, and looked away.

"I see you're not ignoring me anymore then?" He quipped playfully, nudging her in the side. "Life's too short, I'm not going to let my feelings for you drag me down anymore than they already have." She said without a hint of emotion. "Ellie...." he whispered desperately, taking her hand in his. "Please, don't." She sighed pulling her hand away.

"I'm just too afraid to love you.." he explained, "I see, because I'm probably in danger you don't want to be dragged into it right?" "No! I'm here for you all the way, surely you know that?" He cried in exasperation. "I don't know anything with you..." Ellie snapped.

"My love, don't push me away like this. You have no idea how much i want you." Snape whispered sadly, bringing his hand to her face. "Don't lead me on again, please." Ellie begged, melting at his touch. "I'm not doing that, Ellie I'm fighting an inner demon here! part of me wants you more than anything and the other part... just can't." "Kiss me." Ellie pleaded, So he did, he had no will power when it came to the blue eyed vixen beside him.

His tongue danced with hers like the finest ballet you could ever see, the pain, the love, the fear and the passion in one 2 minute long meeting of lips.

"Ellie, I want us to be together. I just need some more time.. to get my head around this. I need to let my head catch up with my heart. I've never been close to anyone before.. it's a big change." Snape explained honestly. "You have never had s girlfriend? Ever?" Ellie gasped, "Never.. but I have loved and I'm not over it entirely yet." He explained. "Why couldn't you tell me any of this before?" Ellie chuckled playing with his black hair.

"You don't exactly give people a chance to explain, my love." He snorted playfully, "but in all seriousness, I'm not used to talking about my feelings." He added. "So where do we go from here?" Ellie smiled, resting into his arms. "You give me some time, let's just take it slowly without any pressure from either side. I can't promise you a future... I'm still confused." "Well, at least you're being honest. I understand if you can't change after all these years... it's not your fault." Ellie soothed, reaching up to kiss him gently.

"WHAT THE..... Ellie? Tell me I did not just see that!!" A voice spoke from behind them, it was Hermione. "Shit." Snape sighed, Ellie called her friend over and she stood up to talk to her.
"This is not how it looks..." Ellie tried, "so you weren't just playing tonsil tennis with our our potions Professor?" Hermione scolded, before cracking up in laughter. "Ellie, don't get your knickers in a twist.. I'm not going to tell anyone." Hermione insisted, "Miss Granger... we are so grateful." Snape gasped with relief.

"Professor, I know she liked someone I just didn't realise that it was... as long as it stops her moaping around the common room I'm happy for you.." Hermione explained and Snape nodded, "I'll leave you two to it.. although you might want to go somewhere less public next time.. honestly..." her voice drawled off as she went back inside the castle.

"She's right, we were careless. That could have been anyone that caught us.." Snape smiled, getting up and kissing her forehead.

The Slytherdor Series  (Snape) - Book One   (complete)Where stories live. Discover now