Chapter Twelve

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Sitting in Snape's personal chambers on the sofa infront of an open fire, Ellie wondered to herself what had happened to her old self, she used to be full of life, ambitious... now she was the exact opposite.

"I hate to see you suffering so much, if I could add your pain to mine I would." He soothed, kissing her hand. "To yours?" "I have lost loved ones too, I know how you're feeling." Snape explained, "I'm sorry." Ellie said with empathy. Snape combed the hair that was stuck to her cheeks after she cried away, "you have nothing to be sorry about, you are going to be ok but it will take time. I will not let you end up like me.." Ellie tried to speak but he silenced her lips with his fingers, "Ellie, you are too special to loose yourself to darkness."

He pushed his lips to hers gently, as if he was in two minds. She grabbed him with desperation and kissed him back, it was as if the world stopped turning. He ran his hands through her hair and clutched the back of her head, he thought he was loosing his mind as she moaned blissfully into his kiss. "Ellie.." he whispered breaking the kiss for a second, her perfect lips capturing his again softly.

Ellie began unbuttoning her own blouse, exposing her ample cleavage and his eyes followed her fingers, "Ellie no... we can't." "I want you Severus..." Ellie whispered, "and I want you... " he whimpered desperately as she peeled the blouse off he shoulders and threw it on the floor. Snape's eyes glazed over as he looked at her perfect torso, covered only by a bra.

"Ellie.. please... listen to me." He damanded, clutching her hands in his to stop them roaming his body. "What's wrong?" "I'm sorry, but we can't go there... I want to but we can't be together." Snape sighed, "you're doing this again? Really? You keep leading me on and then pushing me away!" Ellie spat, pushing him away as he tried to take her in his arms again.

"Why won't you understand, I do want this... but it's impossible!" He argued, trying to get her to listen. "It's simple to me.. you want this or you don't?" Ellie asked seriously, her eyes burning into his. He couldn't find the words to reply as he truly wished and she took that as his answer, she peeled his hands off her and grabbed her blouse from the floor.
She left him with nothing but an angry, rejected glare.

The Slytherdor Series  (Snape) - Book One   (complete)Where stories live. Discover now