Ideas of story that would be fun to write *

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Ideas of some story's that would sound good

1. Am in love with my gay best friend

2. I'm in jail well my sisters living it up

3. The candy man

4. Over the dark Rainbow

5. I get it I'm crazy what's new with you

6. My brothers have powers and I'm the freak!!

7. New school lucky me not

8. Funny your a vampire yeah right

9. Weird doll house

10. New world this could be fun

11. Wow I thought my mom was mean

12. My boyfriend and my 2 ex boyfriends at my vacation house 7 miles in no were thanks mom.

13. Me I'm a slayer my best friends is a hunter and were going to a all boy school with werewolfs, vampires, and demons lucky us.

14. Over the rainbow right?

15. I'm a witch nice story mom

16. Kidnapping a super star help me!!

17. Dad what the hell!!

20. Love at first dance

21. Love at first bite

22. Dear sister this is why I hate you

23. I hate you and your asking why?

24. Are you dumb or just born that way

25. School first and love 2nd

26. Broken heart

27. Yeah your right that's me

28. Teachers and so mean time to get back

29. My hot teacher is dating my mom

30. Why me

31. I know the real you

32. New school I'm a nerd and loving it

33. She what your looking for and I'm just helping

34. Candy lands not just a game anymore

35. Wait he's not my real brother

36. All stand by you

37. Nice trick

38. My dad would never do that

39. Mr. Cool and miss Sweet

40. Baby what I'm not your baby

41. What the barbie??!!

42. Kids rule the school

43. Hey I that you?

44. How could my dog be a spy

45. Animals don't talk

46. I'm a mermaid and has a arrange married to a jerk

47. Lilly um I have something to tell you

48. Cat and dog how could that work??

49. Wow bro that was lame

50. He's a guy and I'm a girl what more can I say

51. I can bring things to life?

52. Smart people and dumb people

Hey those are some of my ideas for story's to put on Watt Pad

I'm not really good at writing story's

So just wondering if you want to right them i could tell you what there about

or you could just write what ever

Breezy B :)

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