Cute Quotes

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I'm not a fan of how far away you live :(

Sugar slow down im diabetic! :P

You normal ppl freak me out... ;)

I did not hit you! I simply high fived your face. :P

Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.... but to learn how to dance in the rain.

Be who you want to be not what others want to see.

Im a lover not a fighter, but ill fight for what i love.

Sometimes i pretend to be normal. But it gets boring, so i go back to being me. :)

My friends are the kind of ppl that if a house was burning down they would be roasting smores ;)

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just dont have film.

I smile because you think im crazy... i laugh because you dont even know the half of it!

The worst pain ever....Hearing "I love you" and knowing its a lie...

Don't hate me cuz im blonde, hate me cuz im smater then you!

I dont suffer from insanity... i enjoy every minute of it!

The sun lost its job because you brighten up my day.

A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends sit there and poke each other with bendy straws. :P

I'll be your friend foreve_ No R because that would be the end of forever. :)

Here i'll give you my heart, its not much but its all i have....

Always classy never trashy! Now get to my level!

Good friends will help you up when you fall, but best friends will push you back down and laugh. :D

SHORT. Less likely to die in a storm. :P

I dont need to "get a life" im a gamer i have many!!

Hey your closer to the ground could you pick that up for me?.. :(

I'll just pretend to hug you until you get here ;)

Did you just seriously stamp your foot?... i thought only girls did that on tv...

Math is like a broken pencil. I has no freakin point!

Live with no excuses love with no regrets.

Im his Wendy hes my Peter Pan and together we'll fall in love and fly to Neverland. :)

My future is so bright i need shades.

Taste the rainbow eat the crayons.:)

Its not my fault i cant understand myself.

"I see" said the blind man to the deaf woman.:P

I love my crazy, goofy sometimes boring and silly but oh so amazing best friends! <3

I speak sarcasm as a second language. ;)

CAUTION: Water on road while its raining.

Not the brightest crayon in the box now are we? ;)

Orange: wow your hard core! Eatin apple where all there is left is the core: Thank you! :P

Edward's a boy? then why does he sparkel like a princesses tiara??

Ya thats right! why dont you stick that in your juice box and suck it! haha

When you mess up friends say "its ok", best friends say FAILURE!

Brian: Hey pete theres a message in my Alphabits it says "ooooooo". Pete: thats the cherrios:P

It's ok to fall off high buildings because i'll always be there to save you.:)

I like him........he likes her............story of my life........

Im probably the coolest dork you'll ever meet;)

Were so cool that ice cubes are jelous!

If you told me to cry for you i could. if you told me to die for you i would.

I tried to be normal for one whole day. I woke up and already failed. :P

Forgive your enemies, it messes with their heads.

Can you run at 850ft per second? didnt think so, i hope your bullet proof.

WARNING: children that are unacompanied will be sold to the local circus.

What is life with out a little risk, love, happiness or complications?

Guns dont kill people, dads with cute daughters do.

Im not short im fun sized :D

He who laughs last thinks the slowest :D

I think that if i was really in an EMERGENCY i probably would be to panic to remember the number 911.

SMILE :D you never know whos day you will make!

IM NOT IMMATURE! i just know how to have fun! :)

To me you are Perfect!

Fly me to the moon and let me dance among the stars!

I have 8 horcruxes take that VOLDEMORT!

Never do anything you dont want to explain to the PARAMETICS!

Boys are like a deck of cards. you need a heart to love em a diamond to marry em a club to smash their heads with and a spade to burry the guy when your done with him!

Ever notice that "studying" and "student" its dying put together?

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