Ideas for storys part 2

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Ideas of some story that would be fun to
Write part 2 with 82 new storys

1. Are we there yet.
2. Kicked out of jail
3. Girls rule boys fall
4. The beautiful nerd
5. Scary clown
6. Got to go
7. You said we were over
8. You want what?
9. Snakes in a school
10. I never even heard you till now
11. The nerd can sing
12. The boy who just fall in love with me
13. Being in school never felt so good
14. There's still time to kill
15. I told you so
16. I'm fallin in love with my sister babys daddy
17. Daddy why did you kill mommy
18. Fed the animals at the zoo it's fun
19. There no kindness in his eyes, so how did I fall for him
20. Moved in with my mom and her boyfriend who's claimed me as he's
mate crap!
21. On tv taking a bath What!
22. Mommy daddys only sleeping right
23. School teacher and his hot son has just been kidnapped by 3 girls
24. Bow bow bow 'stup that dog up
25. Throw me a bone or two
26. He can't just die right here
27. Take me home before you kill me please
28. I love you when you don't talk
29. Blind lady walking into a wall sad, me falling in love just plain
30. Danny buddie pal you know I love you right
31. She killed me now I have to marry her?
32. Can I have a snake when I'm done
33. Gone with the wind
34. On the run with my little brother
35. Werewolves aren't real silly vampire
36. Vampires aren't real silly werewolf ( book 2 of story 36)
37. Mom there something under my bed
38. He did what now
39. School started and I'm still badass
40. She alone but safe now
41. A vampire is in love with me but i'm in love with a male werewolf
42. My best friend trying to steal my werewolf boyfriend let's see her
try my bf also my mate
43. School yay now say it like you mean it
44. I fall in love hate with my sisters supstar boyfriend
45. I ran away for a reason and no not so you could find me
46. You find me now what
47. How I got here start talking
48. Pigs are now evil
49. My new cat just tried to steal my boyfriend who's a werewolf,
50. My cat tried to rule the world ( book 2 of story 49 )
51. My pets just pain on crazy
52. Boy was she evil that day
53. He said he was hers so why did he cheat
54. Missed me
55. Ha ha good one me a vampire thats funny
56. You dumb bum
57. He loves me he's my moms boyfriend
58. I don't want you back
59. badass just lost the bad part
60. How bad are things now
61. Tom and Annie how did that happen
62. I kissed you on a dare
63. I like the guy you used to be
64. She just Sad love story
65. He made me miss us
67. She was my bestfriend now she a slut and evil
68. Can I turn all this around before it's to late
69. Prince Zeke doesn't know love till now
70. How to kidnapp 5 guys for prom
71. He just as messed up as me
72. I can think of something just as crazy
73. I'm a hot daredevil
74. I got to use my brain more often
75. I love you when she out of the room
76. My brother is not dead he's right here
77. I see dead people ( book 2 of story 76)
78. I'm not as boy crazy as he is
79. How did the party start again
80. I have not I idea how I got here
81. That fat guy just called me fat?
82. I never knew who I was till I meet you

BreezyB :)

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