The Sun

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"Subject 22, it is now time for you to reach your full potential," the scientist said as they strapped me to the cold, metal table. I tried to struggle but I was too weak from the weeks of being in the cell. Well, I was too weak physically that is.

"Just you wait when I get out of here I will rain down hell on you assholes!" I shot back. I had reached a rebellious stage. They were trying very hard to end it, but they had had very little success.

"You shall learn your place soon enough 22." He motioned to one of the others who began attaching me to this machine. "Now this will be very painful. No one has survived yet." What?! Before I could react he nodded. A man to my right flipped a switch on the machine and then all I felt was pain. Electricity coursed through my body forcing it to arch and jerk against my restraints. I felt tears running down my face as I screamed.

Through my tears I saw him pick up a syringe filled with a gray liquid. He shoved the needle into my arm. Fire spread through my veins along with the electricity. I could no longer scream. The pain was too much. It overwhelmed me until all I could see was black.

I jolt awake shaking and screaming. I try desperately to push the nightmare away. I couldn't remember that before. The door to the room bursts open and the Captain rushes in.

"Are you alright?" he asks approaching the bed. I finally manage to stop screaming and nod. I can tell he doesn't believe me but I don't care. "Well, when you are ready to talk about it, I'm always here." I nod again not really knowing what I should do. My shaking calms down as the fear subsides. Captain just sits on the edge of the bed waiting with me. I want him to leave but at the same time I like him being there. At least he doesn't try to touch me.

I feel something building in my gut again but it settles down once I start to calm down. I glance around my now bright room. Why is it so bright? I spot two huge windows covered by curtains across from the bed that seem to be shining with light. The sun. It is sunlight, actually sunlight. I push myself off the bed or, well I try to, but I am still too weak from the injuries so I end up falling toward the floor. I would have made impact but the Captain catches me just in time.

"Whoa, kid, where are you going in such a hurry?" he asks helping me up.

Sunlight. I glance at the windows longingly. Suddenly strong arms scoop me up. He carries me out the room and down the hall. I have no idea where we were going. He walks through a living area, how I know this I have no idea, and come to a wall of windows with a door that leads out to a balcony. I squint my eyes at all the light but I feel almost giddy with excitement. He carries me through the door.

The moment I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, I sigh in relief. It has been so long. He sets me down on the balcony and seems to understand that I need a minute as he heads back inside. I close my eyes loving the warmth I feel on them. I lean to the side and lay down basking in the morning sun. I feel a pressure building in my gut again but ignore it and enjoy the warmth of the sun's rays.

As I lay there, voices begin drifting out from inside.

"Why is Hydra girl laying down on the balcony?" a male voice asks. That word sends shivers up my spine.

"She hasn't seen or felt the sun in probably years. She almost fell out of her bed trying to get to a window," I hear Captain America explain. I can't hear anything after that. I think back to what Natasha had said. You are safe. For some reason I am beginning to feel safe. It is weird but not necessarily bad. I hear footsteps as someone walks up to me. I know who it was automatically due to my powers.

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