Wicked Love

117 12 3

I want to penetrate
Penetrate you softly
Penetrate your heart with words that I may never profess in the open
Penetrate your mind with ideas as tall as forever
Penetrate your soul with truths that only Mother Nature can understand
Penetrate your body with needles and venom.

I want to punish you
Grow flowers in your lungs
Create a garden so beautiful in your bronchi that you can barely breathe
Pollen in your breath
Bees drawing juice from your chest
Make you so close our love would resemble an incest

I want to banish you
Banish the bitch in you that constantly nags at my manly-hood
Follow you to your Nana's like Little Red Riding Hood
And gobble her approval while I hide demons within her chimney
Great clouds of soot
Love and hatred scream from my youth

I might make love to you
If my intentions permit
I may let you tie me up if you promise to submit
If you never speak with another... I will surely commit

Keep no friends
Split no ends
Know no one
Don't come near my gun
This love is BIPOLAR...
You Yin, I Yang

Be your own woman... I permit that
But remain my property... just like a black cat

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