Songs of Solomon's Father

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I yearn to be a poet
A scientist I anticipate not
I want to feel the universe
I don't need to explain it

It's good to know the facts
But greater is the feeling
Why know all the facts,
When I can experience the truth?
Life is too short

Educate myself?
I will...
Knowledge is not a sin
But express myself I must
In expression did my life begin

In semen was I released
Never before action was the feeling analyzed
If such was done
Love making would be canalized

They will acknowledge your mind
But your heart will they love
For your creator knows you
But his feelings will forever be above

I don't want to be a scientist
Cause I was once one
I knew too much
Thus I loved no one

So I don't care how I evolved
That affection goes to them which my life revolves
Fuck psychology
If it'll hinder my getting involved

Move your hips
But explain not its mechanism
So seal your lips
If all you do is criticize humanity

I'm an embodiment the spiritual
Permitted my mind is to know
But never will I burden on the physical
Let everything in existence flow

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