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It wasn't unrequited
It only felt so
We had something totally unexpressed
Unplanned , unprecedented, undetermined

She wasn't sure, neither was I
But we had just 4 months I guess
We didn't want to have regrets

'Twas a rushed commitment
Like a marriage without courtship
I felt something, she did too
But trying to keep ourselves together;
That was the real kung fu

I was the curious owl
And she was the sports prefect
Don't get me wrong,
She was perfect.
We just weren't

She fought for us a little and I a lot
But at the end,
I guess what's meant to be will be
And what isn't... isn't.

We had good times
But we had bad too
And honestly, we never really argued
'Twas just a misallocation of emotional resources

She was smart and beautiful
I was cool and creative
The perfect American couple
The worst Nigerian one
Good riddance to that relationship
But not to the people in it.

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