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Author's note: I'll totally make this fic into a high school slice-of-life kind of story cause I hecking love those.
Also, the "POV"s pretty much represent their inner thought.

Hajime Hinata's P.O.V

It was the end of last period. Unlike regular schools, Hope's Peak Academy lets their student roam around the school at any time they want. Just like a hangout place or something like that. Even empty classrooms became "party places".

I just stood up to go to the dorm, but I got stopped by a hand. I turned around to see who it was.


"What is it?" I flicked his hand away.

"Uh... I was wondering if you wanted a tour around school, since you just transferred this year." He showed me his usual carefree smile.

So he isn't just some asshole, huh.

"Ah, I'd love that." I smiled back. I didn't know much about this school.

Komaeda nodded. "What's your name?"

"Hajime Hinata." I shrugged.

"It sounds like a girl's name." Komaeda snicked a bit.

"Shut up." I sighed. "Yours?"

"Nagito Komaeda."

-Tour START!!🌟-

We both started walking along the campus as Komaeda gave me a tour.

"So, this is the gymnasium, alot of jocks hang out there after school.
"This is the library...
The pool...
The auditorium...
(Insert everything else)"

"I kind of feel like I don't belong in any of those categories..." I sighed

I felt Komaeda's hands hold mine.

"You should totally join our group, then!" He explaimed joyfully.

...? I tilted my head. "Your group? What group?"

"C'mere!" He dragged me inside the dorm, and went down to the basement.


Almost all of the popular kids were assembled there. They turned their head and stared at me.


"This is kind of the 'I don't belong anywhere' group. It started off as a normal place where people who didn't feel welcome in other groups just came here. Eventually, we somehow got popular?" Komaeda shrugged. "I'll introduce you to em."

I got introduced to alot of wonderful people.

(I'm to lazy to introduce every single one of the people here, so I'll just make a list to who are in the group)

Nagito Komaeda
Sonia Nevermind
Byakuya Togami
Gundham Tanaka
Kazuichi Souda
Chiaki Nanami
Peko Pekoyama
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Tsumiki Mikan
Makoto Naegi
Kirigiri Kyoko
Celestia Ludenberg

"Huh? Naegi? I didn't know you were in this group." I walked towards him.

"Well, my roommates intoduced me here earlier, and I somehow got in." Naegi laughed cutely.

I examined the room with more attention. It was like a chill lounge with long couches and tables. It sort of looked like a classy bar.

"Ah, by the way," Komaeda surprised me from behind. "We have a sort of 'squad name' that people sometimes refer us to."

"Oh? What is it?"

"The Ultimates." Komaeda reached out his hand to me.

"You're welcome to stay here." He smiled and shook my hand.

I felt welcome here.

"Well then! Let's go to your room!" He dragged me out of the room.

We walked and walked.

"That's my room." I pointed to my room's door.

"Ah, it's next to mine. We share the same balcony, I guess."

"Huh? How you you know that we share one?" I tilted my head.

"Well, the single rooms were actually double rooms, but now, they're separated by a wall to form smaller rooms. Komaeda replied. "Actually, I think ours may be connected by an interior door..."

"I hope it isn't..." I muttered under my breath.

"Oh." Fuck, he heard that.

"Let's check then." Komaeda entered his room and...

He came out by my side of the room.

"Sucks to be you, but it is indeed connected by a door. Look over there." He pointed the door which lead to the other side.

I sighed.

"But man, at least eat better stuff that this." Komaeda looked over my desk which was just covered with junk food.

"I don't care, but you can leave now." I shoved him out of my room. "It's pretty late, so good night." I closed the door.

I just floped over my bed.

I was exhausted and went to sleep.

Author's note: I should probably tell you beforehand that the chapters' lenghts wont be coherent.

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