Bonus 4 yall sinners :>>

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Author's note: Like the title said, here's a lil bonus for y'all ^^

3rd person P.O.V.

"Mmh..! Fff... fuck..." Hajime groaned and slightly opened his left eye, looking at the majestic body under him. Well, a white-transparent-ish unbutonned jacket was covering up most of the body.

"Aah... H... Haji... me...!" Komaeda moaned softly and turned his head around to look at Hajime's expression. He enjoyed every part of it.

His teeth were grinding together, almost as if he was trying to surpress something inside of him. His eyebrows skewered at a almost 90 degree angle and his eyes looked a bit dazed. He really did seem to enjoy fucking him from behind.

Well, not that Komaeda hated it.


"Wow, that was great." Hajime smirked at the cum-filled asshole he had just poured himself into. "Really, you look like a living mess right now."

"haa... haa..." Komaeda didn't even want to reply to that. Having sex was a lot more energy consuming than he thought and giving blowjobs was way simpler, plus a lot easier to clean, since he'd just swallow the mess.


Hajime laid down next to Komaeda and smiled at him. "If cleaning up bothers you so much, do you want me to use a condom?"

"... how did you know that -"

"I know, man, I know."

"... okay, well, yes, yes I do." Komaeda nodded.

"... Who's going to buy them?"




And therefore, they went on a quest to buy some condoms!!


As they walked down the mall, they had to go past tons of stores to finally get to their final destination, but they also met tons of other people on the way.

"Ah, look, over there." Hajime faced to a store. Mikan and Chiaki were together, buying some aliments of some sort. Komaeda faced there too and smiled.

"They belong great together, they're so cute~" Komaeda let out a lil laugh and continued walking until they reached a good place to buy condoms.

But then they saw Ouma stuffing a basket with condom boxes.

"Ah." Hajime and Komaeda froze at the sight of that. "What are you..." Hajime slightly tilted his head to the right.

"I'm gonna pound Saihara-chan tonight."


"I'm kidding!"

"Oh, okay, I-"

"I'm just going to fill up all of them with air and stuff em into Saihara's dorm room! G-Bye!~" Ouma skedadled away.

"Okay, well, that was something." Komaeda blinked.

"Yep." Hajime nodded. "Should we tell Saihara?"

"Nah." Komaeda smiled. "Let nature unfold itself."

Hajime snickered. "Suure,, Got itt-" He quickly grabbed a box and went to pay up.

The paying was unsettling... The thing was, the cashier was homophobic. It was written all over his face. Hajime and Komaeda knew that the cashier felt uncomfortable, the expression was too evident.

"... Man, it's a good thing you got a girlfriend, huh?" Hajime turned around to Komaeda.

"Huh?... Oh, uh, right..! I'm sorry for calling you over here... I can't buy these on my own without feeling awkward..." Komaeda played along. The cashier looked a little bit releived. The tension went down, which was good. Hajime paid up.

And then Hajime kissed Komaeda on the lips before they both ran out of the store.

"gOT EM BINCH" Hajime smiled at himself. "I bet the cashier is all spooked and all, pff-"

"Oh? Oh!! HAJIMEEE!! KOMAEDAAA!!" Ibuki waved across from several stores.

"Oh, Ibuki!" Both waved back at her and quickly joined her. "What's up?"

"LEMME SHOW YOU SOMETHING SUPER DUPER COOL, CMERE B" Ibuki marched inside the book store and pointed at a book. Curiosity took over Hajime, and he quickly took the book.

The cover had two males, who somehow looked like... Mahiru and Hiyoko?-

"Oh, hey." Kel popped our of nowhere.

"wH-" Komaeda tensed up. "Since when-"

"Oh, my book." Kel looked at the book Hajime was holding.

"... wHAT-" Hajime looked back and forth from the book and Kel.

"Mmhmm, since I was planning on writing that book... Uhh... Like before Christmas or something, I always thought naughty stuff about them together, so I always blushed when I was around them~ Ahahaaaa~" Kel let out a lazy laugh and took out another book from the bookshelf. "Here."

"huh?" Komaeda opened the book-

Komaeda closed the book after .5 seconds.

"Hm? What's in it?" Hajime scooted over.

"byeee-" Kel was already out of the bookstore.

"..." Komaeda looked at the cover.

Yep. It was clearly a book about them. An erotic one.

--- sKIP ---

After buying that book because Hajime begged him to, they stumbled to Kirigiri, sharing a bench with... Makoto!

"!?... M... My egg has grown... so much..." Hajime faked some tears and acted like he was Naegi's proud parent, just to tease him.

On the other hand, Kirigiri and Makoto were totally avoiding every gaze turned at them. Komaeda and Hajime took this as a sign to get away from the blooming love. They were proud.

The trip of getting condoms took the whole day, which certainly wasn't planned at all. 

Aand they also heard a loud scream, probably from Shuichi, because he was screaming "OUMAAAA-".

It was funny.

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