28 - Bad Timing

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It was still the fourth day before Christmas.

Hajime planned to tell Komaeda his feelings.

To confess his love to Nagito.

He told himself that keeping it bottled up would just make it worse for him, and that he shouldn't keep his love swirl inside him any longer.


After that exhausting day, everyone went back to their dorm room.

Hajime opened his arms and leaped over Komaeda.

"Don't." Komaeda successfully avoided Hajime's jump hug and kept walking hack to his dorn room.

"Aww, come on..!" Hajime quickly catched up to Komaeda and walked besides him.

Komaeda sighed. "Haven't you been exceptionally clingy towards me these days?..."

"Is that bad?" Hajime felt his stress level rise up.

"No... I guess? But how about the rumors? Wouldn't you hate that?"

"Not necessarily?"


"Hey, do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?" Hajime asked.

Utter silence followed that question, which quickly made Hajime realise how out of place that question was.

"U-um- I'm sorry, It just came out of my mouth- Y-You don't have to- um- accept- And uh- yeah-" Hajime thought that he couldn't be more embarrassed of himself.

"... Well, sure. Why not."

"h-huh-" A short but loud gasp formed inside Hajime's mouth.

"... Let's go." Komaeda held Hajime's arm and walked to his dorm.

After a while, they finally arrived to Komaeda's room.

"So... Do you have anything to change into, like a pyjama or something? You could take it from your room." Komaeda shrugged and sat on his bed.

"I usually sleep in the nude"

"oh." Komaeda's face flushed into a light red. "I... uh... At least keep your boxers on... Okay?"

Hajime was actually lying, but he went along. He was curious of how Komaeda would react if he slept next to him, in an almost nude state. "Oh, yeah, okay." Hajime stripped and kept his boxers on. "I mean, do you have a pyjama?"

"I don't, really." The albino's eyes directed themselves towards Hajime's toned muscles. "Should I just sleep without clothes too?"

"U-uh... Y-Yeah." Hajime made it's way on the bed and looked at Komaeda, who was reculantly taking his clothes off too. "Wait, is he actally... oh my god-" Hajime's hands were shakingly curling up into a fist after he saw Komaeda take off his shirt.

"I..." Komaeda gulped and slid his pants down on the floor. "I'm not that comfortable with showing too much skin... But I guess I'll make an exeption for now..."

'Wait... huh..?' Hajime's eyes grew a tad louder and straightened up his posture. 'W-What's up with this sexual tension?!- And why is Komaeda acting so meek?!-"

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