12 - Thirdwheel

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Author's note: I like angst, but writing good quality angst is really hard so I'm really scared that this fanfic will turn out bad afterwards augh

Nagito Komaeda's P.O.V.

I woke up, did my morning routine, and went to class.

Everything up to this point goes smoothly.

Not until I see Hajime.

I always feel on the edge of anxiety when I'm with him, which causes me to avoid him by instinct.

It's not like I want  to avoid him, my body just reacts on it's own...

I didn't even listen to the teacher because of all of the thoughts going through my head.

"Komaeda, are you free tonight?" Hajime asked me as he put his hand under his chin as support for his head.

"U-uh... yeah..."

"Wanna go to the library with me after school?"

I nodded and smiled.


Hinata and me, alone in the library, reading books together...

Or that's what I thought.


Well, I'm already used to this so whatever...

Just stay quiet and let them do what they want. On the meanwhile, I guess I can text Kirigiri.

Komaeda: Kirigiri
Komaeda: Kirigiri
Komaeda: Kirigiri
Komaeda: Answer or else I'll kick Hajime's balls.

Kirigiri: woah okay I'm here
Kirigiri: what's up?

Komaeda: I'm at the library w/Hinata and Koizumi ;w; I'm just texting ya to stay afar from them

Kirigiri: ha thirdwheeler

Komaeda: stfu
Komaeda: *picture attachment* They're reading a book together and look at  me, I'm all alone ;;;

Kirigiri: i just had an idea wait a sec.

Kirigiri: *picture attatchment* perfect.

Komaeda: Did
Komaeda: Did you just draw tears on my face

Kirigiri: high quality picsart editing yo

Komaeda: Fucking-

Kirigiri: ya thirdwheeler :^))

Komaeda: i'm truiying ntot to laugdh

Kirigiri: do you mean "I'm trying not to laugh"

Kirigiri: oh right you're in a library

Komaeda: oh shit hajime just asked me who im texting but im just ignoring him for now bUT WHAT DO I SAY FFFUCJ

Kirigiri: say "it's someone. You can go back with Koizumi" and say it while smiling.

Komaeda: isnt that kinda ro0d?

Kirigiri: do it or I'll be the one kicking Hajime's balls

Komaeda: woah fine ok
Komaeda: this was a bad id


Kirigiri: ...

Komaeda: ...

Kirigiri: yo, Hinata.

Komaeda: you fucking planned this didnt you

Kirigiri: ;^)

Komaeda: nice picture edit tho pfft

Kirigiri: ty 👏

Kirigiri: you get too jealous easily, ha
Kirigiri: just because Ko's texting another person, you get all angered :^)

Komaeda: I'm deleting this chat and giving Ko his phone back. >:(

Kirigiri: mh sure.

Komaeda: Ah
Komaeda: did hajime delete the chat?

Kirigiri: yeah
Kirigiri: actually, quick, send a pic of yourself.

Komaeda: *picture attachment* here

Kirigiri: my plan worked :^)
Kirigiri: Hajime dragged you somewhere to mark you, right? We can see the bite mark on your neck.

Komaeda: how do you even plan out these things

Kirigiri: ;^) magic bby

... Today turned out to be a pretty good day.

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