3 - Lunch

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Nagito Komaeda's P.O.V.

"You're so in love with Hajime, and it's really obvious. That guy must be really dense or something to not realise that." Kirigiri told me as she sat on one of the couches in the room. It was morning and nobody was in the basement of the dorm yet exept us.

"I-Is it that obvious?" I asked nervously.

"For me, yeah." Kirigiri smiled.

I used to remember when she used to be really quiet and never talked much. In primary school, that is. We went to the same primary school together and coincidentally applied for the same high school. She eventually realised her life would be boring if she kept being so serious, so she loosened up and lets her emotions out.

"Don't you dare tell..." I pouted.

"I won't, I won't." She shrugged a tad and kept smiling.

Her current and smiling self is much better than her secluded past self.

"By the way, do you have his phone number yet?" Kirigiri asked me while staring into my eyes.

...I looked away.

"I guess not, huh." I flinched

Her "super deduction" is still sharp as usual...

Apparently, Kirigiri's mother was a famous detective and she sometimes accompanied her on some cases. Rumors says that she actually solved some cases because of her deduction talent.

"We should give you a title for having such sharp deduction senses... like the 'Ultimate detective' or something like that." I shrugged.

Kirigiri smiled. "I wouldn't dislike that as a title."

"It would suit you."

"We should probably go to class." She stood up and got her school bag.

"Yeah." I nodded.

-Time skip-

I have no idea why I kept looking at Hajime. He just looks so perfect. Everyhing he does it perfect.

Why is he so perfect?

God!- He. won't. like. you. back.

Surpress those feelings!

Destroy them! Burn them! Aaargh!!

It didn't take me long to realise that I was scraping my nails against my arm and I immediately stopped.

Maybe if I just think of him as a very very good friend, will my small crush dissapear? Yeah, probably...

I'll try to do that.



"Komaeda, come eat with me!"
"No, today's the day I eat with him!"
"Hey, who do you love more!?"
I hate having a swarm of fangirls around me. It's annoying sometimes.

"Komaeda? Can i eat with you today?" Ah, Hajime asked.
"Yeah, sure." I didn't hesitate.

"E-Eeh?!!" All of the fangirls screamed. "W-Who do you love, us or this random guy more??" They were pretty angry.

Hajime stood up. "Calm down, girls. I'm pretty sure he loves you all equally and full heartedly." He smiled charmingly at them.

"H..He's pretty hot, isn't he..?"
"Y-Your name's Hajime Hinata, r-right? Could we exchange phone numbers?" One of the girls exclaimed.
"N-No! Me first!" Another one exclaimed.
"Maybe you could visit my dorm room once!"
Many questions started erupting from them.

"Who told you you could have Hajime for yourself..." I muttered.


Everyone's staring at me-
W-was I too loud-

"Haha, you're not thinking straightly today, aren't you?" Hajime smiled and grabbed my hand. "Let's go." He pulled me out of the crowd and went to the rooftop.

"T-Thank you for saving me from the fangirls." I sighed and sat down.

"I wish I didn't, to be honest... Girls will start targetting me, too... fuck." He facepalmed himself.

"I mean, you're pretty hot yourself, so I'm not that surprised." I took out my lunch.

"Am I?" He sat besides me.

"Yeah, you are. No homo." I laughed a bit. "Don't you have anything to eat?"

"Nah." He smiled and put his hand behind his neck. "Seeing you eat happily already makes me full."

... I tensed up and started blushing.

"Nah, I'm joking. That was just a passage from a game I played last week." He laughed jokingly. "You pretty much reacted like the heroine in the game though, pff..."

I nervously looked away. "Y-you little shit..." I just started eating my lunch. A self-made bento.

"Did you do that by yourself?" He looked over my lunch.

"Yeah, I did." I kept eating.

"Wow, so you know how to cook... I don't, but oh well. I don't care." He shrugged.

"You want some?" I raised up a peice of shrimp with my chopsticks. There's no way he's accept, right? Considering that he'll never eat from the same ustensil as me, righ-

"Ah, sure." He leaned in and ate the shrimp.

... My face was heating up.

"Are you hot or something? Your face seems red and all..."

I quickly looked away. "Y-yep. Totally. Of course."

"I see." He stood up.

"It's almost time for class, shit." I stood up too.

We normally walked to class side by side.

Like a small couple...

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