Chapter Six

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Two weeks went by and the training was going well. Scott and Dan were beginning to get along, aside from the secret that Dan was keeping, which he didn't know Scott knew. Dan became more seclusive with every day that went by. The other three were concerned, but Mitch and Scott both knew why. Scott was getting tired of seeing the corruption between Dan and Phil, but he kept his mouth shut, especially when his trainee would ask about it. Unfortunately, that day was one of those days.

They were training on one of the Athena floors, and Phil wasn't really paying much attention. Scott felt bad for the twenty year old, but he kept going. When they were done with the training, Scott took Phil back to his office, giving the boy his weekly test to prepare for his physical test the next day. As Phil was taking the test, Scott read through an anonymous poetry journal, intrigued by how good Ines's, even for an Apollo kid. He was engrossed by the the brain of the nameless demigod, the words pulling him in.

"Where the fuck is he?!" Scott heard Dan yell, the blond looking up as the Hades child walked up. "Give me my fucking journal!"

"This is yours?" Scott gasped, his eyes growing wide. "You're an incredible writer and poet. This is better than most work from my brothers and sisters."

"Don't act like you didn't fucking know it's mine!" Dan growled, angrily pinning the bigger boy against the wall and terrifying the boy taking a test.

"I seriously didn't!" Scott shook his head. "You can ask Mitch. I found it on this floor. It was on the floor in the hallway. I seriously thought that it was an Apollo kid's. You can have it back. I wouldn't have read it if I would've known."

"Did you really think it was good?" Dan asked, letting Scott go.

"Better than what I normally write," Scott nodded honestly with a big smile on his face. "My stuff is in the Apollo Hall of Fame, but your poems completely deserve a museum of its own. I have never read something that could even relatively come close to works of my father, but I think you did it."

"Well I'm sorry I interrupted and attacked you," Dan apologized, picking his journal up off of the desk. "I'll leave you guys be."

"Write me some more poetry," Scott smiled. "Maybe I'll convince them to add some non Apollo demigod poetry into the hall of fame."

"I... I'll see what I can do," Dan nodded, walking out of the room.

"Why is Dan like that?" Phil asked with a sad sigh. "He was never this anxious or angry... What do you think is going on?"

"I'm not sure," Scott lied, walking over to the younger man.

"He won't even talk to me," Phil sniffled, tears glazing his eyes. "He hasn't been this closed off since I first moved in with him. I can't help but feel like I did something wrong."

"You have done nothing wrong!" Scott growled. "You have done nothing but be the nicest, smartest, and most hardworking beautiful soul. You come to training, constantly doing everything impeccably, and you've done nothing but love and care for Dan since you met him. How about you finish your test? I need to go... discuss something with Mitch."

Phil nodded, going back to his test as Scott walked out of the room. Scott was fuming inside already, expecting the worst as he walked down the corridor, to the elevator. He went to the one hundred fifteenth floor, walking slowly for the right moment to most into his boyfriend's room. Scott found the right moment, quietly unlocking the door before misting in. When he did, Dan was on top of Mitch, the nineteen year old completely dominating the older man.

"Why hello there," Scott growled, the other two stopping dead in their tracks.

"It's not what it looks like," Dan squeaked, his face going pale.

"I know it's not," Scott smirked. "It would be tragic, though, if Philly found out."

"It would absolutely break him," Dan shook his head.

"You're already breaking him, Dan!" Scott snapped. "He's noticed that you have changed, and he constantly asks me for advice. I have known since the first day it happened, and I've had to lie for this whole time. First day here, and the love of his life was fucking someone else's boyfriend. Not only that, Dan is fucking his trainer and Phil's trainer's boyfriend. I have to practically lie everytime because I shouldn't be the one to tell him and explain what's going on. It should be you, Dan. It should be you to tell him that you have been hooking up with my boyfriend, and why. You should be the one to tell him that he's done nothing wrong. After you left, he started crying, asking me what HE has done wrong. He's convinced it's him, and you need to take some time to tell him, yourself, that it isn't."

"I will tell him the next time we're alone," Dan sighed, getting up and getting dressed. "Just tell him to find me when he's done with you."

"I will," Scott nodded,going back to his office to see it was empty.

"Doctor Hoying," his Athena nurse, Leila, greeted as she walked in. "I thought Phil would've found you by now. He went into Mitch's room and ran out. He seemed upset so I assumed it was because he couldn't find you."

"Fuck!" Scott swore, tensing up. "Leila, cancel all of my appointments. I may need your help."

"What's going on?" She asked, looking over at the terrified man. "Is something wrong with Phil?"

"I think he heard me talking to Dan about... well... something..." he sighed. "You know what? Fuck it! Dans been fucking Mitch and I think Phil heard me scolding Dan about not telling him. I can't channel Phil, so either he's dead, or close to it. I need your help. I'm going to look for him and you keep Dan and Mitch from knowing anything. If anyone can think of something on the spot, it's you. I will pay you extra for your help."

"No need to pay me extra for this, Scotty," she shook her head with a smile.

"I'll do it because you deserve it," he shrugged, smiling back.

"Let's just find Phil before we lose him," she grew serious, them beginning their search.

Divination: A Phan/Scomiche Demigod AUWhere stories live. Discover now