Chapter Eleven: I Learned My Lesson

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When Scott walked away from the door, he texted his friends to play music outside Dan's room, going back to his own. He threw himself on the bed and laid there, contemplating his next move. He knew he was advising Phil to give Dan another chance, but he knew, this time, it'd be hard to take hisnown advice. He was finally tired of not being in control of anything but sex. He began to plot his next move, blocking his thoughts from anyone that could get into his head. Just as he was finishing up his plans, he got a ping on his phone, indicating a private chat on the Hotel Olympus Chat app. He switched to another phone, which couldn't be tracked, and read the message.

MxGrassi: Where tf are you?
Noodle91: That doesn't matter.
MxGrassi: I know that Dan's with Phil.
Noodle91: I just want time to myself right now.
MxGrassi: You're really concerning me rn.
Noodle91: You don't have to worry about me.
MxGrassi: Well I am worrying. I feel like I really fucked up this time.
Noodle91: You think, Mitch?
MxGrassi: I knew you were still mad about Dallas and Jack.
Noodle91: How can I not be? You cheating eventually led to Jack's death. I couldn't sense Phil, Mitch. I couldn't find him. Was convinced I was going to find him in a puddle of blood the way I found my brother.
MxGrassi: So this is it?
Noodle91: I guess we'll see.

Scott turned off the phone, throwing both phones in his Apollo backpack. He went down to the fourth floor, and walked into an adult shop, buying various items for his plan. He made a few more stops before heading to Mitch's floor. Scott put on his angriest face before knocking on the son of Aphrodite's door. Mitch opened the door, in his fuzzy pajama pants and T-shirt, looking at the blond incredibly confused.

"Scott?" Mitch smiled, the smile fading when he saw the older man's face. "You're here to br..."

"Shut it!" Scott growled.

"But I..." Mitch started, instantly stopping dead in his tracks.

"You are to not speak unless spoken to, do you understand?" Scott demanded, Mitch nodding obediently. "You have been controlling me for too long. I warned you with Dallas. I told you that you don't know what I am capable of, and that you don't want to know. Yet, you found another son of Hades to pine after. Yes, it was for training, but you only chose to start with that once you saw how big he was. You knew exactly what you were doing, and you were warned. You will say, and do, as I say, or your punishment will grow worse. Now go in, strip down, and come back to me. You will walk, all the way to my dungeon, completely naked."

Mitch's eyes went wide, but he obeyed his lover. Aphrodite's kids love showing off their bodies, but Mitch wasn't really that public of a person when it came to his body. Mitch was flirty, but he only showed his body to the ones he deemed fuckable. Nobody knew, only Scott did, but this specific son of the sex goddess was very insecure about his body. Still, he stood in his room, in front of his mirror, contemplating whether or not he should go through with it. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he stripped completely, and walked to his door, hesitantly opening it.

"There you are," scott smirked. "Now we need to make a few stops before you get your punishment."

Mitch grew pale as he realized what Scott meant by what he had said. Scott wanted to expose the younger man to as many bystanders as possible, and Mitch was terrified. Scott took him to the medical floor, picking up a few items to add to his bag. Then he took took the ghost colored man to one of the shopping floors, going into a clothing store. He took Mitch in, stares directing towards the naked man, and his smug boyfriend, as Scott picked out a new outfit for both of them. With each second that passed, Mitch grew more and more comfortable with the body he was in. When Scott checked out, they went to the restaurant floor, Scott grabbing a bottle of wine from Venus.

"You don't get any of this until I am done with you," Scott smirked yet again. "I think I have everything I need. Tell me, do you want to go to the dungeon now?"

"Yes..." Mitch squeaked out nervously.

"Yes what?" Scott pushed, Mitch knowing what his lover wanted.

"Yes, Daddy," Mitch breathed out, giving the son of Apollo the satisfaction he wanted.

Scott took Mitch to the room, which housed most of their rendezvous. Not one thing was changed in the room, but Mitch was a lot more intimidated by the room this time. He knew he was in for something that they hadn't done before, and he didn't know whether to be scared or excited. He knew that he was gonna be in a world of discomfort, but he trusted that his lover wouldn't cross the line between pleasure and abuse. He was staring into space, not noticing that Scott had closed the door and started fixing the room for the night.

"Mitchell!" Scott yelled, snapping the younger man out of his thoughts. "Get on the bed and I will strap you up."

Mitch nodded and went to the bed, laying down like he normally did. Scott cuffed the other man's hands, and feet, to the bed, Mitch hoping that was all Scott was going to do. He realized he was dead wrong when Scott picked up something he hadn't used, but had seen many times before. Scott had a multi-ringed cock harness in his hand, Mitch realizing how much he was going to be tortured for what he had done. Scott put the harness properly on his boyfriend, adding a gag to the already powerless man for extra measures.

Scott roughly made marks, on Mitch's neck and torso, with his mouth, the younger man moaning in pleasure and slight discomfort. Scott could see Mitch's discomfort, almost disregarding everything, but Mitch's eyes begged him to keep going. Scott reluctantly pulled out a vibrator, Mitch's eyes growing wide as the older man slicked up the toy. Mitch whimpered nervously as the son of Apollo turned on the toy ajdnshived it inside the younger man. Many feelings and emotions came to the love goddess' son; pleasure, pain, discomfort, and a ping of regret.

Scott watched as Mitch  squirmed to break free, turning the toy higher when the brunet would struggle. He flipped the younger man over, pulling the vibrator out before grabbing the pair's mutual favorite heart shaped crop, teasing the man's skin with the cold metal.  Mitch shivered and whimpered, fear taking over, but Scott didn't see the fear and continued with his plan. With a crack, the crop attached to the skin. Mitch flinching more than he ever had before. Mitch's whimpering, after a few whips, turned to crying. Scott saw the tears and instantly stopped what he was doing, knowing he had surpassed Mitch's limits. Scott felt regret fill him as he took Mitch out of every restriction he had on.

"Please n-no more pain..." Mitch whimpered out, obviously mortified. "I promise I have learned my lesson."

"I am so sorry," Scott apologized, mortified himself, "I promised to not take you beyond your limits and I did. I can't believe I did this."

"I deserved it," Mitch admitted. "Only the harness was too much. Now that I'm free, I need the release we both crave."

"I can't," Scott shook his head. "I broke the one promise I have kept after all these years. I hate myself for that."

"I told you that I deserved it," Mitch whined.

"No one deserves pain that isn't consensual like that, Mitch!" Scott snapped before growing quiet. "I shouldn't have made you walk through the hotel exposed. I shouldn't have tortured to tears."

"I love and trust you, Scott," Mitch smiled. "Yes, I'm insecure, but by you taking me around like you did, it helped me lose the anxiety and insecurity. Yes, I teared up, but that was because of the harness. If that was off, I would've been okay. Just... Please sleep here with me. Tomorrow, I'll really make it up to you. Just lay here with me, and we'll sleep everything off, okay?"

"Fine," Scott sighed, them both cuddling up on the bed. "I love you, Pretty Boy."

"I love you, Music Man," Mitch returned before they fell asleep.

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