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"Jess, Anna or jodie?" I spun around in my blue desk chair after wiping away the last of my makeup. I was facing Justin,my best friend since the fourth grade. His eyes droopy due to our lack of sleep.

Justin's eyebrows knitted together in both amusement and confusion. "Why my exes?" He smirked as if I'd complimented him. I rolled my eyes and held my hands up in surrender.

"Oh yeah I forgot, you still won't talk about Anna. You unreasonable prick, you dumped her" I joked, causing him to stifle a laugh.

Walking towards my bed, I pointed at the large, blue inflatable matress on the floor beside him. When we were young, I would allow Justin to sleep in my bed and I would use the air bed, however, now our friendship had progressed, I forced him onto the floor whenever he slept over.

He glared at me, sticking out his bottom lip. "You're evil" He sighed before rolling onto the now half deflated air bed.

I shrugged my shoulders and slipped him a smug smile, receiving a sarcastic grin in return, before sliding under my cold sheets;allowing them to settle around my body, transferring he heat of my skin with the cold of my sheets.

I stretched my left arm and reached towards my lamp, clicking the switch and watching the room suddenly become absorbed by pitch darkness. Before I could attempt any sleep, I noticed a bright light shining on the floor, Justins face lighting up as he types back four cry-laughing emojis in response.

"Who's that?" I asked. Making an inquisitive expression in which Justin couldn't see.

"It's just the team, saying they have something planned for tomorrow. Don't know what it is, Corey just arranged it." He clicked his phone off, once more urging us into darkness.

"Don't do it then" I shuffled with anxiety. "It's Corey for God's sake, you know how I feel about him."

Justin rolled onto his side, turning his phone on and looking up at me. "I know you don't like him but he said it's gonna interfere with our positions In the line up. If I don't do it, God knows, I could end up on the bench" He sounded panicked.

"Ugh fine" I closed my eyes. "How come you're in the starting line up on the football team and you can't even make us popular?" I laughed, feeling my belly rise and deflate.

Justin reached up and poked me in the ribs, making me squirm and hit his hand. "I don't know, lex. I guess it's because you're so Foul and repulsive" He chuckled. "You give me a bad rep"

"Oh shut up!" I snorted, almost falling out of bed in an attempt to punch his arm.

After our talk, I sat in silence, contemplating my future. It sounds cliché but I was in my last year of high school. Thoughts about my future were a daily occurrence. Especially at night when my mind had time to go over everything. Reminding me of all things I'd rather forget. It's strange how I would allow my own mind to think up so many dilemmas for me to solve in one night. 'Where will I go?' 'Do I have the money'... 'course I do, I've been saving up for years'... 'but what if I don't?' 'What will I study?' 'Where will it get me?' 'Remember that time you fell out of a tree and were really awkward about it by yelling at everyone who laughed?'

I let out an audible groan as I brought my hands to my head in an attempt to wipe the embarrassing memories out of my mind, hoping that the witnesses of it didn't remember what happened. Or at least that it was me. I knew a few of their names. Two of them being on the football team with Justin now. Presumably huge jerks. Harry and Matt. I'd never spoken to them but almost the entirety of the football team hung out it a 'pack' and I'd definitely seen Harry and Matt being rude and vulgar... laughing at other people's misfortune.

I knew I should have been asleep. After all, I had school the next day and it was already 4, meaning I only had 3 hours to sleep. That certainly wasn't enough. As I began to drift off, my thoughts rolling to the back of my mind, I heard a voice coming from Justin. His husky, tired tone shocking me.

"Lexa" He groaned groggilly. "I can't sleep"

I giggled. "Yeah, me neither" I lied, knowing I could easily be asleep if he didn't snap me out of my attempt. "You wanna talk for a bit?" I turned to face him, clicking on my lamp and watching him wince in the light like a vampire.

"Ok yeah, we should talk" He propped himself up and climbed into my bed, pulling the covers on top of him and getting comfortable. Almost kicking me out of my own bed. "Lex, why does this smell like aftershave? Your duvet smells like cheap aftershave. Have you been sleeping with guys? cheap guys?" He asked with angry tone, much to my surprise.

"No, justin. You're smelling yourself." I laugh. " You know I'd tell you if I'd been 'sleeping with guys'"

"Oh" He answered, laughing as if drunk. "I need to get new aftershave". He turned from his back to his side. Now facing me. "I almost went mental"

My eyebrows furrowed as I thought about what he said. I knew he was protective but I didn't think he'd be so protective as to hulk out over a bit of aftershave on my bed sheets. I had nothing to do with it anyway, it truly was his.

"Why?" I asked, sounding a little too stern so I sent him a slight smile to lighten the mood.

"You're my best friend. We've told eachother everything. I'd hate if you didn't tell me something so big in your life" He pouted as I let out a sigh of relief.

"You're adorable, Justin" my face displayed a cringed out expression. "Now get back into you're own bed you creep"

"I know and will do" He laughed. "Promise me though"

"Promise you what?" My body tensed for a few seconds before letting go at his next sentence. Not understanding how to take it.

"That you'll be completely honest with me." I was almost certain he'd been drinking, knowing that Justin rarely acted so heartfelt.

I delayed my reply.

"I promise"


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know not much happened with Harry but I promise, in the next few chapters he will be included a lot more. After all , I want him to be a joint main character with Lexa. Please read on!

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