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I could not believe that Harry got me tickets for oceanship. He must have spoken to Justin. It's too much of a coincidence. Slightly annoying since I had worked my fingers to the bone for months to afford those tickets and there was no reason because the night before, I would be given tickets to it anyways. Nevertheless, I was dumbfounded that someone would do something like that for me. Nobody ever had before.

I handed Justin his keys back after clicking the unlock button and walked  out of the school gates. My smile was still wide at the thought of actually being in the same room as oceanship. I wasn't too bothered about who I went with since I was already planning on going alone however,it would be nice to spend time with somebody new for once.

"You weren't just talking to Harry... were you?" A familiar voice hit me.

I turned around to see a tall, beautiful brunette. So gorgeous in fact that I felt my self esteem plummet to the depths of the earth. She was wearing light blue skinny jeans and a pink halter crop top. Honestly, she was the type of girl I wished I was. Or could be even 1% like.

"I was" I smiled in order to welcome a conversation. "Nothing important though"

"You were?" She scoffed before coughing. "So what did he say?"

"Oh... well he asked me on a date yesterday." I said whilst pulling a slightly disgusted face at the prospect of a date with him. Just to lighten the mood between me and her.

"You?" She asked, confused. I wasn't shocked, I was confused as well. "Right, ok" she chirped before turning on her perfect, twisted high heels and strutting back towards the school, leaving me alone again.

I imagined that she was an ex of Harry or had some sort of fling with him. I wasn't worried. I wasn't even into Harry in any way, shape or form. So if she wanted him it could be arranged, as long as she wasn't so cocky about herself next time.

I was used to people like her hating me because of my close friendship with Justin. But that's all it was, a close friendship. They just couldn't wrap their heads around that. It was different with Harry though because he actually liked me and it wouldn't be funny if I ended up with feelings for him. Girls like her could take anyone from me with just a bat of her eyelashes.

Just as long as Harry didn't sweep me off my feet (Harry even getting within an inch of doing this was highly unlikely) I had nothing to worry about. She could have him. I merely brushed her comments off; over thinking it could result in getting the wrong idea. For all I knew, she could have been one of the nicest people I had met.

Approaching home, I rummaged through my back pocket and caught hold of my keys. I jogged towards my door on my tip toes and opened it with struggle.

"I'm home" I shouted, hoping that someone was home.

"Sweetie!I'm in here" I heard my mom chirp from the kitchen.

Nodding to myself, I placed my bags in the corner of the hallway and made my way into the kitchen to greet my mom. She was leant over the counter, reading a magazine that she closed when I entered.

"How was your day?" She smiled, still leaning on the counter.

I shrugged "Alright, school is school; nothing special"

"You always say that, lex" she rubbed my arm. "You should enjoy school"

I chuckled slightly "it's not that easy, mom" my comment earned a sympathetic nod as if my mom thought I was horrifically bullied. "It's just boring, mom, don't worry" I giggled.

She sighed. I grabbed a mug out of a high cupboard and switched the kettle on. Beginning to grin at the idea of my plans the next night,I started to humm my favourite song. My sad little plan to plan to stand out back with my ear to the wall had been hugely upgraded and now I was actually going to be in The Gemini, watching my favourite singer perform. The stuff of dreams.

"What's got you all happy?" My mom grinned as she walked closer towards me.

My eyes shifted and I allowed my face to rest again. "Nothing... I'm always happy"

She nodded sarcastically "not humming, making tea and smiling so wide your mouth may fall off happy"

"I'm normal" I giggled before contemplating if I should say what I was about to. "I got tickets to oceanship tomorrow night"

My mom gasped and I watched the corners of her mouth curl up at my excitement "That's amazing! How? I thought they were all sold out"

"They were" I shrugged, knowing where this was going "this guy Justin knows got them"

"Are you going with him?" She said, raising her voice.

"Yes, I have to" I nodded, taking a deep breath to prepare myself.

"A DATE!?" She cried "You should take Justin instead, that would be nice, don't you think?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Mom, Justin is just a friend. I'm sorry"

My mom had always had an irrational dream that Justin and I would be together, get married and live happily ever after. No... never. We were just best friends and that was all it would ever be. The idea of being together repulsed us both but my mom would never let go of it.

"So who's this other boy then?" She said with a glum expression.

"I don't know" I answered.

She furrowed her eyebrows "You don't know?"

I sighed "I mean... I do know. He's called Harry. But I don't actually know him, nor do I like him but..."

"Well don't bother going then, you should know more than his name by now" she interrupted.

"Mom" I paused "oceanship"


I hope you liked it. I imagine Gabrielle moses as Lexa but It's not set so you should imagine whatever and whoever you feel fits the role xoxo

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