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"I swear to God, I have no idea why they hate us so much" Miller growled as he wrenched a shard of glass out of his car tyre.

I shook my head and slammed my fist down on the hood of the car in frustration. I earned a glare from Miller as if to say 'that's my car you're punching'. He stood and walked me away from the car.

"Can I have a lift?" Miller groaned, locking his car and abandoning it in the school car park.

I nodded "they'll pay though, they can't go round shoving glass in our tyres just because we play football. It's a shitty stereotype. I don't imagine that they spend their time spraying graffiti in alleys"

The bikers hated us. I don't know why but they resented us. They would walk past us, popping the collars on their leather jackets and miming a knife running across their throat. It was a group of around 15 guys, all of which wanted to kill us and it seemed that it was entirely for the fact that we were the football team. Justin's letterman jacket didn't help our case but some of us weren't even so different to them, including me. Of course I didn't ride a motorbike... and my personality was completely different. I didn't smoke, I didn't spend the entire day in the back alley but a leather jacket and tattoos have to count for something, right?

Miller scoffed "fucking bikers. I'll kill them"

"Miller you couldn't if you tried" I laughed "sorry"

He smiled sarcastically "That's where you co-"

"I'm not going to kill someone for you" I interrupted, knitting my eyebrows and laughing as I did so.

"I know, I don't want you to. Just... I don't know... scare them a bit" He shrugged, ignoring the confused and amused expression on my face.

"Miller, I can't do that. You know If I tried it would ju-" I stopped mid sentence when I felt a single finger tapping in between my shoulder blades.

I turned around to reveal Lexa stood in front of me, looking slightly annoyed at my presence. She avoided eye contact with me but smiled at Miller in acknowledgement. He nodded back.

"Yeah. Hi" I smiled, taking a step towards her.

She stepped backwards "Justin said you wanted to talk" she said, pointing at Justin around 15 metres behind her.

I hadn't said anything to Justin about wanting to talk to Lexa. I did want to, don't get me wrong. This was just unexpected to say the least.

"Oh, um. I didn't say" I paused "I didn't say anything"

Lexa jerked her head backwards. "Well that's embarrassing" she scrunched her face up. "Well I'll be seeing ya"

She turned on her heal and began walking towards Justin, holding her hands out as if asking a question.

"Wait, lexa" I called out, making her spin around slowly and saunter back towards us.

"Wait, Harry" she mocked, shockingly as this was only the third proper conversation I'd had with her.

I smirked "I know where I'm taking you tomorrow"

"Tomorrow? I can't" she folded her arms. Not going to lie, I was disappointed.

"Why? I have no more free days this week" I groaned.

"Well we'll have to schedule for next week, oceanship is playing tomorrow. I can't miss that, Harry" she explained, my eyes lighting up.

"At- at the Gemini?" I spluttered, coughing the words out of my mouth.

She nodded, taking a sip out of her evian water bottle. "Mmhmm, spent ages trying to get those tickets but they were sold out when I finally had enough money" she shrugged "I'll be standing out back listening to whatever I can"

Right there I almost fainted. If Millers tyres hadn't been slashed, I would have thought I had been granted the luckiest day of my life.

"Well- I" I began, making her nod slowly. "I was going to take you there tomorrow. My cousin works backstage so he got me some tickets. You'd think he'd give me family discount though"

I was slightly annoyed that I had to play full price for the tickets.

"Well... coincidence" she started before her eyes widened and her mouth turned into a beaming grin. "How did you know I like him?"

I leant onto my heals, feeling confused yet again. Surely this wasn't happening. I just liked the Gemini; I had no clue that oceanship was playing. I took every girl there on a first date. Just so happened that the most important one would have killed for those tickets.

"I... didn't" I furrowed my eyebrows, contemplating how I had brought myself so much good karma.

"Well, thankyou. I thought we were going somewhere to eat" she giggled, still seeming on edge and slightly annoyed that I was stood in front of her.

"Yeah, I changed my mind." I said, biting my bottom lip.

"Well I'm so glad you did, harry" she smiled and rolled onto her tiptoes.

Lexa turned around once again and pretty much power walked towards Justin. If I could have left that situation I would have, so I don't blame her. It was awkward to say the least.

"What the fuck, mate?" Miller shouted while laughing. "I wish I was in your position. Rosa threw the chocolate in my face because she's 'on a diet' and gagged at my choice of date"

I let out a small chuckle before grabbing my keys out of my pocket. "I bet she did"


Hiya, I'm not too sure about this chapter. How cliché, how coincidental, how ridiculous. Haha. Anyways, I hope you liked it even if I don't. Xoxo

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