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Due to Corey's lack of respect and care for others, my argument to his competition soon became old news and was forgotten by the rest of the team. I could tell that Corey was still on edge after the whole ordeal, as was I. Corey had threatened to kick me off the team for good if I didn't participate which meant that no matter what, I had to do it. I could not sacrifice my dreams.

One by one, my team mates were called to the front, picking names out of boxes like some sort of barbaric ritual. Thinking about it, what Corey had planned was rather animalistic. With my turn edging closer and closer,I felt as though I was sinking in my chair,secretly wishing that Coach Peters was going to walk in and find out about Corey's little game.

At the sound of a cough, I looked up to reveal Corey staring at me with a smirk on his face. "Justin, your turn" He laughed, licking his lips.

I gulped, tensing my hands and tightening my grip on my chair. With quick pace, I loosened my hold and stood shaking, glaring at Corey.

Nodding, I staggered towards the box which was now placed on the top of a storage cabinet. I lifted my head and grabbed hold of a folded piece of paper, opening it quickly. "Anna" I spluttered, feeling waves of electric horror searing throughout my body. Pin pointing my head and my heart especially.

"Guys no, you can't do this. She's my ex" I panted, running my fingers roughly through my hair.

"We know" Corey smirked, pointing at the bench signalling for me to take a seat. I obliged, knowing that any wrong actions could result in me losing my spot on the team.

"You can't be serious" I muttered under my breath, feeling my face grow hotter and hotter. How was I supposed to get Anna back after I dumped her in such a shameful way? Say goodbye to my pride.

I felt so horrible for all the girls who's names were in the box. They had done nothing to deserve it. Corey's sad lifestyle was enough to lead other people into despair.

"Right" Corey shuffled "The last name... Harry you're up" He stepped aside, revealing the box that was hidden behind him, still on the cabinet.

Harry nodded, his expression suggesting that he was just about as nervous and disgusted by this as I was. He stood up, tensing his jaw and preparing himself for the name of the girl he would have to humiliate.
Corey picked up the last of the paper and handed it to Harry with a stern look plastered on his face. Quickly opening it, Harry's eyes fell cold before his face unraveled a look of confusion. "I don't even know her" He raised a brow at Corey. "That's hardly fair"

"You'll find out soon enough" Corey laughed. "Care to read it out loud?"

Harry cleared his throat, shifting his weight onto his right leg. "Lexa... Lexa Hart?" He said in an inquisitive manner as if asking who she was.

Suddenly, I felt the blood drain out of me, knowing that I had certainly become pale. My temperature rose so high it could break a thermometer. I could safely say that this was the first time I had ever felt pure anger... pure anger that I could do nothing about.

"Fuck off." I stood up, walking towards Harry and Corey, my mouth becoming dry as I struggled for words to say to them. "She's my best friend. I swear to God, Corey. Change his girl"

Corey burst into a shrill laugh, grimacing as he did so. "Sit down. I'm not changing it" He growled.

Unable to stop myself, I marched closer towards him, my fist Clenching until I felt my finger nails cutting into my palm. "YOU ARE, REINHART" I yelled into his face. Causing outrage to paint across him.

Corey's hand reached out for my neck, his elbow clicking as he extended his arm. I bent backwards in order to avoid strangulation, swerving out of his way as best as I could. Without a second thought, I grabbed hold of his arm, ready to pull it behind his back but before any more damage was done, Max and Miller each gripped onto my shoulders, yanking my body backwards towards the benches. They sat me down, for some unknown reason sending me approving nods.

As I glanced around the room I caught sight of Harry.  He was being held back by four members of the team. Matt, Carter, Hudson and Evan. "I didn't do anything, why are you holding me back?" He stammered angrily, letting out few short, sharp breaths.

"We knew you would, Harry" Carter shuffled. "You see a fight you get involved, it's in your nature"

Of course, that remark didn't make me feel reassured about Harry being 'assigned lexa'. My best friend was about to be reeled in by the school fighting enthusiast. Oh Golly, What Could Be Better?

My legs bounced up and down as I tried to calm down. Still feeling as infuriated as earlier, I had to hold my head in my hands to resist the urge to punch Corey in the jaw.

I heard a voice coming from Harry on the other side of the room, I look up to see him standing tall, yet nervous. "So... what does she look like?" He asked as I stared in disbelief that those words had actually left his mouth. "What? If I'm gonna find her I need to know what she looks like" He knitted his eyebrows.

Corey glared at me "Ask Justin, I'm sure he has pictures" I rolled my eyes in response.

Harry sauntered towards me, once again shocking me at his attitude. "You gonna show me?... please?" He sat on the bench next to me.

I shook my head and placed my head back in my hands. 

"Come on dude" He whispered. "How am I gonna do this? I swear I won't be a dick to her"

"Yeah until you reveal it's all for a joke and I'm left to pick up the pieces" I spat.

He only stared at me with confusion but also agreement, making me angry again. "Just show me" He pouted.

I nodded, dragging my phone out of my pocket and pulling up a picture of me and Lexa from the previous night when I was at her house.

Harry smirked, making me glare at him with disgust. "Oh she's hot"


I need to clarify that Harry doesn't seem to be a great person in the first parts but I promise there will be more of him and you'll understand xoxoxo

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