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Corey's idea was abysmal, I despised the guy. He didn't deserve his position as captain in the slightest but his father owned the team so he basically sat on a throne while the rest of the team worshipped him. For him to think of such a sick and twisted competition showed just how much of a dickhead he was. Just as I had expected, he didn't take part in his stupid plot to ruin our reputations.

without a doubt I would end up in trouble, breaking the poor girls heart. Generally, I could get any girl that I wanted so I didn't particularly feel challenged by the prospect the of getting her to give me chance. Hell, she'd probably already fantasised about me... I mean, most girls I had met did. A fair few even confessing.  

Although I felt horrible and extremely upset by the whole ordeal, I felt worse for Justin. At least I wasn't paired up with my ex, I'm fairly certain that would result in a high rate of stress and a whole lot of screaming.

Walking down a metal staircase into the school corridors, I attempted to figure out a game plan. How would I get her? Should I take it slow or just throw myself at her? Would I be able to reel her in without hurting her too much? It was all a mess and I could do nothing about it. Of course if I was plain stupid I would quit the team but to do that would start a life ruining domino effect, beginning at the scholarship game. Adding to my resistance to leaving,I loved football, my life revolved around it. Nobody could take that away from me, it was too important.

Slipping through the crowds, I walked proudly into the school cafeteria, scanning the room for anyone resembling the girl I'd only seen once for a brief moment. Having already forgotten her name, I had no way of finding her.

Luckily, I spied Justin from across the room sat with a girl who I guessed was her but I had to be certain, meaning that I was made to wait until she turned around to recognise her face.

I stood for a few minutes in the corner, minding my own business. Occasionally I moved my eyes away to stop people believing that I was staring at them. I continued this pattern until I noticed Justins friend stand up and make her way to the back of the queue to collect her food.

My heart suddenly stopped when I saw her. "Shit" I muttered, my brain beginning to rattle inside my skull as I searched for my first move.

She began to edge closer towards the end of the counter, almost finishing her voyage to eat. I was stood in the corner beside the end. Watching her skillfully choose her lunch, I raised my note book, awaiting her arrival. Thanking the lunch lady, she nodded and picked up her tray, beginning to walk back towards Justin.

I skipped in front of her nonchalantly and let go of my note book in hopes that she would hand it back to me. As planned, she crouched down to the floor and smiled at me, picking it up.

"Thanks" I smirked, starting to shake. "Thankyou" I repeated myself.

She nodded "No problem"

I stood up straight, Brushing my knees off before looking her in the eyes and winking. I even made myself groan.

"Ew" I heard her whisper under her breathe before making her way back to Justin.

My jaw tensed as I sucked in a sharp breath. Feeling rejected for an unknown reason, my heart sank and I couldn't help thinking that this was going to be harder than I thought... I mean, most girls would faint at the idea of me winking at them, why not her? Why not the girl who stood between me and my football career? Typical.


I shuddered out a cringed sound, resembling disgust. What was he playing at? Never in my life had I been winked at by anyone but Justin when his dirty mind acted up. Why was Mr. Popular all of a sudden showing an interest in me? Noone ever showed an interest in me.

Naturally,I imagined that Harry was joking, his cruel intentions being to have his friends watching as he taunted me. A dare or whatever. Because of this, I told myself not to reciprocate. No matter how hot he was, he wasn't worth my pride and dignity being dragged down into a pit.

After Harry's ridiculous little attempt to be annoying, I continued on my trip back to Justin, glaring backwards every so often and noticing Harry still staring at me... please! What a weirdo.

Sliding my tray down the table towards Justin, I gave him a toothy smile. "Heyy, you know who I just bumped into?"

Justin shrugged his shoulders "who?" He questioned me, raising his brow.

"Harry... from your team" I stated, my grin beginning to deflate.

Suddenly, I saw Justin sit up straight, running his fingers roughly through his hair. "Bitch" He coughed.

I clutched at my chest "Excuse me?"I acted hurt by his outburst.

"Not you, him" He rolled his eyes as Harry Walked past us, Brushing his hand along my shoulders, making me shiver at his strange move.

"That's what I thought!" I exclaimed "He bloody winked at me, I don't know where he got the nerve to do that"

Justin took a deep breathe, staring at the ceiling as if deep in thought, asking himself a question. After a while, he started to speak. "That's strange, I have no idea why he'd do that. Does he even know you?"


As much as I craved telling Lexa, I knew it wasn't a good idea. Lying to her felt bitter and foreign. It was so simple yet so effective on me. If I told her now, there would be a chance of her ruining the entire game for everyone.

Watching someone like Harry flirting with Lexa was bad enough but with those horrible intentions made it 100x worse. I was in an impossible war with my conscience.

I decided not to tell her. My reasoning being unclear. I would tell her later if it got too much. If I was able. If it wasn't too late.


Not a great chapter but I tried :) please comment your opinions, they'll be so helpful xoxoxo

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